
Concrete driveways are prone to damage from years of daily use and normal wear and tear. In some instances, a minimal crack and noticeable damage on a concrete driveway are minor cosmetic flaws that do not potentially ruin the driveway’s structural stability. But on the other hand, some types of driveway damage are more significant, resulting in collapse, significant potholes, and other structural failures that can endanger automobiles.
However, many landowners frequently wonder where and how to begin concrete driveway repair. Here we will discuss some essential aspects of driveway repair services in Portland and the surrounding areas.
When should you go for professional help in repairing the concrete driveway?
“It is critical to accurately assess structural cracks to determine what is significant and what is not,” says John Duntemann, a principal at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE). “Before you can implement the proper repair solution, you must first correctly identify the extent and cause of cracking of concrete driveway.”
Cracks in concrete can be caused by various factors, including thermal expansion and contraction, sub-grade settlement, applied loads, and even earthquakes. All of this adds up to internal and external stress, directly leading to large cracks. In such situations, you should go for professional help to get exclusive concrete repairing services.
There are some things that you have to keep in your mind while doing the driveway repair that is discussed below:
Do some cleaning work with the help of a pressure washer mixing it with the cleaning solution: Before you begin the concrete driveway recovery process, make sure the driveway is free of mildew, mouldings, and dirt. It is frequent for dust and grime to accumulate within the cracks of cracked and ruptured concrete driveways. The fillers will not work correctly if the gaps in the concrete comprise grime.
To make sure that the fractures in the concrete are filled, use a pressure washer to clean out all of the dirt, mould, mildew, and grime from the cracks. Then use a premium quality concrete cleaning product to eliminate any spills or tuff dirt spots from the concrete. It is crucial to begin the concrete driveway repair process after the concrete has been cleaned properly.
Fill all the cracks with the help of a concrete filler: After the cleaning process, use a specialized concrete filler to seal in any cracks larger than 1/4th of an inch wide. In contrast to more minor damages that can be stuffed during the remodelling process, wider gaps typically require special attention and must be dealt with separately.
Then use a plain shovel to force the filler deep into the cracks after filling them, and afterward smooth out the surface and level it with the rest of the driveway. It’s time to resurface after the more significant gaps have been filled with concrete filler individually.
Apply a resurfacer and wait for it to settle down: After filling larger cracks and allowing the material to dry overnight, a thin layer of resurfacer will be applied to the entire driveway. After that, it’s time to typically wet the driveway before resurfacing to ensure that it does not dry out too quickly. When concrete dries too quickly, it can cause surface cracks, which is why you may need concrete driveway repair in Portland in the first place.
Once the resurfacer has been applied to the entire driveway, use a rubber pressure washer to even it out and assure that it’s as seamless and crack-free as the potential for decades to come. The driveway will then be textured to give it a distinct appearance and prevent it from becoming extremely slippery. The driveway will be protected for pedestrians in 6 hours and vehicles in 24 hours.
Seal coat newly repaired driveway: Lastly, to make your freshly rebuilt driveway as durable and long-lasting as possible, we recommend seal coating it. Suppose you decide to secure coat your driveway, the seal coating as a top layer to protect it from pesticide, liquid, and natural light damage. This helps avoid future repairs and extends the life of your concrete driveway significantly.
Material that is used in concrete repair: The best cost-effective option for some concrete repairs is simply high-quality concrete. However, manufacturers have created some excellent repair materials that include a variety of polymers, resulting in more excellent bond quality and rigidity. Most modern repair materials are polymer-modified concrete, which means that the primary material is cement and an accumulated mixture containing a polymer.
There are numerous reasons behind the damage of concrete driveways, such as a heavy load of vehicles, thermal stress, cheap quality products, and no proper maintenance. If you need to have a concrete driveway repair in Portland, you can seek some professional concrete repair services for this. This way, you can quickly get rid of those cracks and water damage.