
What Happens if Arrested for DWI?
Being arrested on DWI charges is a severe offense. Furthermore, if you are apprehended, you may face serious consequences such as monetary penalties or prison time. Depending on the individual case, it is imperative for people to face a charge that challenges them as a person. To avoid any possible harm, you need to contact a Fort Worth DWI Lawyer if you are in & around Fort Worth, Texas.
What are the Major Consequences of Facing an Arrest for DWI?
If proved under the DWI laws, the law enforcement officers will file a charge on the basis of the ticket issued to you. Also, the Administration Action will seize your driving license & your driver's rights will be seized immediately. In addition, you may have to pay additional penalties as well. After these two actions, a legal hearing will follow.
What is an Administrative hearing?
For availing of your right to an administrative hearing, you need to submit your request within a few days of the incident. It is essential & vital to note here that different states follow different rules in this concern. After the seizure of your driving license, an office will issue you a "Notice of Suspension/Revocation of Your Driving Privileges" form. This form will act as the perfect replacement of your driving license till the date of your "Administrative Hearing." After getting your requests, officials will proceed with your request and give you a proper date to represent yourself.
Do I really need a DWI Lawyer?
It is essential & vital for you to hire the best DWI lawyer to represent you in court. An accomplished and responsible attorney will fight for your rights and guide you through the proper channel to defend yourself appropriately.
At Cole Paschall Law, we offer comprehensive consultations, ensuring you have an opportunity to avoid harsh penalties for your suspected crimes or at least gate away with reduced sentences. To start developing a substantial & impactful defense against the criminal charges, contact the office of Cole Paschall Law, the top Fort Worth DWI Lawyer, at 1~817~477~4100.