
Person in the hot tub
But where is the ideal location for the hot tub? Before you select a spot for your hot tub, or spa, be sure to think about these points. These suggestions can help you determine the best hot tub spot which will fit in the space available.
Intended Use
Person in the hot tub
Do you intend to make use of the hot tub for tranquil relaxation and tension relief? Maybe it's primary purpose is to entertain guests and have fun during social gatherings and events at your house Do you plan to make use of the hot tub to ease from the pain of chronic illness? Or are hoping to enjoy private evenings in the company of your beloved one or family member? The reason you bought the new hot tub will be an important factor when it comes to its location.
If you're in search of an area that is more tranquil and private It is possible to put the privacy wall, or even on a patio which is covered or enclosed, or under a pergola which has floating drapes. In contrast it's an excellent idea to get breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape or if you prefer a more welcoming area, it's possible to place it in a location which is slightly spacious. If you plan to use it during the day, you need to think about the shade. In addition that frequent use in the evening is likely to require some kind of lighting surrounding the hot tub, or the walkway to prevent injuries.
Tip: If you you want to entertain guests, but want privacy around your hot tub, consider a flexible alternative. A pergola with decorative curtains is capable of being pulled back for an inviting design or close the curtains and enjoy relaxing bath at your individual pace.
Carpenter's square
How is the distance of the hot tub from your home The hot tub that is situated in the back of the farthest corner of your yard won't seem as inviting as one situated near the rear of your home. This is particularly important in the winter months when temperatures are cold. Another thing to consider is where to put the water supply as well as access point that allow electrical wiring. If it's not close to the spa, you may require the assistance of a plumber or electrician to connect to the to the access points. In accordance with your current electrical setup and the type of tub you want to purchase, it's feasible to employ an electrician regardless. But, needing to relocate the hot tub's connections more than a few feet is likely to add cost to the overall.
Be aware of the distance the hot tub's location is to walls, fences and other solid obstacles. If you choose to install the spa cover lift or access to the components of your spa for repairs then you'll need enough space. Most likely, you'll at require enough room to move around in order so that you can attach all straps to the spa cover with ease. This is a great idea to attach that "future maintenance" section below. In general, hot tubs require extra breathing space on three sides, possibly at times. The manufacturer or dealer of the hot tub from may be able to give you suggestions. It's always a good idea to ask!
Delivery and Installation
Hot tub covered with the cover Portable spas and hot tubs are huge, heavy and hard to transport. Of obviously the case, unless you have the inflatable version of your spa. If so you'll be able to skip the next section.
If you bought the brand new hot tub from a local showroom or retailer, they can assist you in setting the hot tub in the new location. There must be a clear, wide route that runs from the point where your hot tub is brought to the place you want for the installation. Any obstacles such as narrow passageways, obstructions or obstacles make shifting the hot tub considerably more challenging.
If your business requires the transportation of the spa or hot tub with a crane, you'll need provide enough space for the crane to move. Be aware that you may require temporary removal of fence panels fences, gates, or deck railings for the purpose of making that the process is smooth.
Bonus Tip: If you opt to purchase a hot tub, snap photos of the space you'd like to use it in and the space leading to it. Your salesperson can answer any questions regarding delivery or installation prior to you finalizing your purchase.
A good hot tub location should allow for support for the load
Hot tubs weigh in excess of 100 pounds (or more than two! ) when they are filled with people and water. Wherever you decide to place the tub is the most suitable spot to place your hot tub. make sure you have the right support to carry the extra mass. The surface needs to be flat, level and resilient to shifting, sinking or sliding. Most heated tubs are set in the middle of the floor upon concrete slabs. However, you can choose to use other substances like bricks, gravel , or even stone pavers to keep the hot tub's bottom from sinking into soil.
If you plan to place the hot tub on a greater surface, like on the deck it will require reinforcements beneath. Decks made of wood tend to shrink and fall apart when they're not equipped with sufficient braces or beams that are strong enough to handle the extra weight of the spa.
Future Maintenance
Maintenance and Care Checklist
Prior to the time your brand new hot tub arrives Make sure that you have a look at your measurements. Do the 3 Person Hot Tub you're planning to install well in the spot you've picked is there sufficient space around your hot tub? If you require repairs or repairs, you'll need to have access to the cabinet of your spa to get access to the plumbing and equipment, as well as electrical components. Make sure that you're ready in case of a disaster and make sure that you have the space to accommodate.
If you're planning to install your hot tub within a wood space, ensure that you shield the wood from water and make it as water-resistant possible. Water exposure and frequent splashes can be an issue for wood that is not treated.
When you think about drainage, it is something you should consider. In addition to your regular routine of cleaning your hot tub, it's important to drain your portable hot tub every 3-4 months. The drainage system must be capable of draining away from your home as well as your hot tub. This is similar as storm preparation and avoid low-lying zones. Does the rainwater that is left flow out in a clean method or will it collect and get sucked up by in the tub? If the latter does, it can cause issues with decaying wooden cabinets , electrical problems , or moldy insulations, as well as other problems that result from the water that is leaking into the.