
Focused or Linear Shockwave Therapy devices are very expensive machines.
Also known as ESWT (Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy), the varied energy, Electromagnetic Shockwave Therapy Device we use at FocusWave Clinic is APPROVED for treating Men’s Sexual Health conditions like Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Peyronie’s Disease (PD), and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).
And they are worth their weight in gold – Our Swiss built medical device is capable of performing incredibly restorative effects on the body.
Nevertheless, we don’t see any of our patients with OHIP or extended health insurance benefits that cover (even partially) the treatment cost.
The government and health insurers have taken the tack that a healthy sex life just isn’t that important, when in fact nearly 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from some form of ED.
And so, FocusWave Clinic is private requiring upfront payment for all treatments.
Which is ok for some, but not for others.
And that really sucks because we hate to turn down someone who might benefit from the treatment but can’t afford it.
It also really sucks that some people are forced to weigh the cost between doing nothing, and the potential of IMPROVING THEIR SEX LIFE using this amazing technology.
Look - Sex is a HUGE part of a healthy man’s life – whether you are 22 or 92 years old.
At FocusWave Clinic, we have a 6 treatment course for you at a reasonable price.
Any additional treatments packages required beyond that are available for a deeply discounted price.
You will not find a lower priced treatment of this kind anywhere in the city – if you do, we will match it.
Focused Shockwave Therapy is painless, side effect free, and requires no downtime.
There is no invasive surgery, no numbing creams required, and no needles.
The pills may work for you now – but they don’t attack the pathophysiology of the condition.
Focused Shockwave Therapy DOES.
Make sure you compare apples with apples.
Is your clinic offering you unlimited treatments for a high cost?
Why would you need unlimited treatments for something that’s supposed to work?
Sounds like a life sentence.
Are they offering you Focused/Linear Shockwave Therapy or Radial/Acoustic/Pulse Wave Therapy?
The former is what we use – the latter is mostly useless for treating ED and NOT APPROVED by National Regulators.
So visit FocusWave Clinic at our convenient and discreet location in the middle of the city (Carling & Woodroffe). Plenty of free parking and no obligation consultations are available. Call us to get the best shockwave therapy cost at 613-422-9283