
Cenforce is an class PDE inhibitor medicine that has an active ingredient in Sildenafil Citrate. Also, Sildenafil Citrate Cenforce is prescribed by medical professionals to manage Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and impotence in males. Cenforce can be described as an FDA approved medication for treating ED as it is produced through Centurion Laboratories, a company based in India. Since Cenforce price is low it is among the most well-known medicines used for treating ED.
If a patient isn't capable of achieving a stronger sexual erection then he may lose his confidence for sexual sex. In such instances, Sildenafil Citrate Cenforce mg is recommended by the doctor. Since Cenforce is available in a variety of strength doses, it's recommended to take the medication according to the prescription of the physician.
The majority of people who take Cenforce have reported the effectiveness of the drug in treating ED. But, it isn't the treatment for the sexually-transmitted illness for men.
What is Cenforce do?
Cenforce is a drug that lowers the blood pressure of the patient. It also interacts with blood vessels to ease them. Sildenafil Citrate is the active ingredient that aids in increasing penis's blood flow which allows the patient to get a more powerful erection for longer than normal. The erection will last for about four to five hours. This could be similar with Generic Viagra.
How do I consume Cenforce?
Cenforce must be taken as a single tablet, along with a glass water. The patient must not break, crush and chew it. It must be taken according to the dosage guidelines that is provided from the physician supervisor. The patient can consume Cenforce prior to 45 minutes to one hour prior to the planned sexual activity. But, the patient has in order to experience sexual stimulation for the medication to demonstrate its effectiveness.
Cenforce Side Effects
These could represent Cenforce side effects:
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Digestion or Sleep Disorders
- Excessive Sweating
- Dryness of the throat
- Redness or flushed face on the face
- Ringing or buzzing in your ears
- An increase in blood pressure
- A sudden increase in the heartbeat
- The feeling of being confused and nervous
There may be additional negative effects that are observed if the proper precautions are not followed with Cenforce dose or if an active ingredient in the medication currently being used by the patient negatively affects Sildenafil Citrate.
Care to be Taken
- The medicine should never be recommended to a subsequent patient since it may cause adverse reactions in certain physical or psychological conditions.
- The medications you are currently taking should be discussed with your doctor.
- Cenforce should not be used for usage in conjunction with other drugs that are used for treating Erectile Dysfunction such as Tadalista, Vardenafil or any other.
- Operating machinery or driving should be avoided following the medication as it could cause dizziness.
What do you think of Cenforce and. Viagra?
If you are considering Cenforce vs. Viagra both medications can be used for treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) among males. Sildenafil Citrate is the main active ingredient in both medications, and it's difficult to decide which one will work better for you. Consider your doctor's recommendation as final prior to using either medication.
Is it safe to consume Cenforce after drinking or smoking?
If a patient takes Cenfore after drinking alcohol or smoking or drinking, it could have a negative reaction to Sildenafil Citrate. Therefore, it is recommended to take the medication after drinking alcohol, smoking and grapefruit juice.
Can I purchase Cenforce without needing a prescription?
No. You are able to purchase Cenforce only when you've been given a prescription by a doctor.
Can I take Cenforce in between meals?
The patient can consume Cenforce prior to or after eating (fatty meals are advised to avoid as it reduces efficiency of drug.)
What should I do if do not remember or miss a Cenforce dosage?
The patient should take the next dose as directed or consult your doctor for more information you fail or miss a Cenforce. It is not recommended to overdose under any circumstances, or else dangerous negative effects could occur.
Is Cenforce secure for the use by women?
Cenforce is intended solely for only males and is not recommended to be consumed by children or women under 18 years old.
What do you do there are any adverse consequences?
The patient must seek medical assistance if any adverse reactions occur or if the erection continues for longer than the duration specified.