
Why Does She Ignore Me
Why does she ignore me? This is a question that so many girls want to know the answer to when they are facing a relationship breakdown. A lot of us take our partner for granted and this usually means we take her for granted too. She has probably grown up with the'space' notion-the belief that her own needs don't need to be addressed unless some other external person demands attention.
In short, she believes that no one can give her the love she thinks she deserves or the attention that she needs. The truth is that a lot of us do not really know what she wants and end up doing things in a desperate bid to make her happy. But the problem with doing this is that it may backfire-and it can make a girl very angry. Why does she ignore me if she likes me
You see, love is all about attention. If you ignore your girl for long enough, she will start to believe that there is no reason for her to bother. When this happens, you have left her with the impression that you really don't care. When this happens, she's more likely to look for someone who will constantly pester her with love letters, gifts and flowers. It has been proven that a girl will often fall madly in love with a man who ignores her.
What causes this shift in the way women respond to love? It's all about emotions-emotions such as happiness, sadness and excitement. A girl will only feel real emotions when she feels special and loved by her man. She will also only feel real emotions when the attention she is asking for is focused on her. If this isn't happening, she gets confused and depressed.
So what do you do to change this? First, you need to make her realize that you truly do care about her. Give her all the attention that she has been longing for. Make sure that you are always available to her. This will really turn her on because you will be the one she can always depend on and turn to when she feels lonely or sad.
The next step is to make yourself available to her. Try to go out with her as often as possible and do everything that you can to impress her and make her happy. Going out with her will also show her that you also value her as a person.
Sometimes the reason as to why she doesn't reply to my emails or talk to me is because she thinks I don't love her. Of course I don't. So how do you make her believe that you do? You simply need to start acting like you do love her. Go out with her, buy her gifts and invite her over to meet your friends.
You also need to learn how to listen to her. Most girls are great listeners but unfortunately there are some who are not. Learn how to listen to her complaints and problems. Listen without getting upset with her and try to help her whenever you can. When she's in trouble you will know that you have won her heart.
How would you like it if one day she comes home from work and has nothing to eat? You can imagine how upset she would be. You should always be there for her. If she wants to talk to you, let her call you and show that you care about her and the things she believes in.
Finally, be a gentleman. Be considerate of the girl that is following you around. You may think that she is just being nice to you. But the truth is that girls like it when guys treat them like they are the only one that matters. They like it when they feel appreciated.
So what do you think now? Do you still ignore her? If you did before, stop doing it. If you don't, then you will never get what you want from her. Why does she ignore me? She has shown you how to attract men.