
Separation and divorce are difficult for families who go through it particularly, and it can be difficult for Family Law to to endure. If parents of children have been separated or divorce, it could sometimes affect the relationship that the child has to their parents or other relatives who is important to the child, like sibling, step-parents aunt or uncle or even the cousin.
Can Grandparents Get Visitation Rights? - Cominos Family Lawyers
Grandparents are entitled to rights under the Family Law Act 1975
As per the Family Law Act 1975 (“the Act”) The Family Law Act 1975 (“the Act”) recognizes that children have the right to visit and interact with other significant people in their lives, in addition to their parents, for example the child’s grandparents (or other extended family lawyer Sydney members like a step-parent, sibling, aunt or uncle or niece or the child’s cousin).