
The coffee craze that has held the U.S. and many other countries in its grip for over a decade continues, but an increasing number of people are trying teas and other alternatives. China's Yunnan region, a mountainous zone, is legendary for unique and flavorful teas. If they sound like something you'd try, keep an eye out on your next trip to an Asian market. You can find traditional Chinese black tea with caffeine and other varieties that are caffeine-free. Whichever you prefer, you'll be impressed by the range of choices you'll find. You may start drinking tea as often as you make coffee in the morning.
As organic food products gain prominence in East Asia, tea is no exception. You can find organically grown and minimally processed teas from many leading Chinese brands. Their taste is rich and pure with antioxidants in many varieties that are beneficial to human health. Teas are more soothing and easier on the body compared to coffee, in many people's opinions. If you've been in a rut drinking coffee, switch to tea and see how you feel afterward. You can enjoy tea at any time of the day or evening, but it's especially appropriate when you're relaxing after your evening meal, especially caffeine-free varieties.
If you're someone who likes to try things that are entirely different from something you've experienced before, East Asian teas have much to offer you. For example, Koreans make tea from corn and barley. They are about as different as they can be from many types of tea we drink routinely. You may love the taste and incorporate them into your daily routine. They're healthy, and there's every reason to enjoy them as often as you wish. The medicinal qualities of ginseng tea make it widely consumed in Asia and elsewhere. If you're not one to buy loose-leaf tea and use an infuser, you can find tea bags for most.
The other delicious way to enjoy East Asian tea is over ice. It's easy to make a large batch and keep it in your fridge to enjoy at any time. Drinking tea, especially decaffeinated, is a healthy alternative to soda and sugary drinks. If you prefer it sweetened and need to stay sugar-free, you can add the artificial sweetener of your choice. Tea drinkers globally are gaining in numbers, and not everyone is caught up in the coffee craze. The other ideal thing about tea is its relatively long shelf life compared to some other products., It's easy to have several types at home, so you have choices and variety.