In Australia, thousands of people do fruit picking jobs in Tasmania. If you are one of them then you might have considered trying seasonal farm work. During the covid-19 pandemic, the borders were closed and some farms had to turn to local workers. This trend is still in existence and this means that there are a lot of jobs for fruit pickers. Here is what you need to know before you take the leap.
You might be paid by the government to relocate
I have known a few individuals who tried applying for farm work after the covid-19 restrictions hit Australia. For example, I know this guy who is originally from Indonesia and chose to do farm work because his visa allowed him to work within specific sectors such as agriculture.
The guy was lucky to land farm work. During this period, the government introduced a harvest trail relocation program that offers financial help to cover the cost of accommodation and travel for people working in the agricultural sector. While some people get worried because starting a new life somewhere else is not easy, the facilitation by the government can be enough motivation to take up the job. Keep in mind that not all jobs and workers are eligible for financial help. This scheme only covers roles involving a move more than ninety minutes away.
There are benefits beyond the pay
While pay is the biggest motivation for people who do fruit picking jobs, there are more benefits. No work is permanent and you can easily find yourself out of work. Farming is one of the jobs you can do at any time without a lot of qualifications. Not everyone likes to be paid. Some people volunteer to work just to enjoy other benefits. You can volunteer just to learn how the business.
For example, you can decide to do farm work and as you earn from the job, you can start a website or a vlog that teaches people how farming is done. This means that while working on the farm, you can record videos of yourself and your colleagues working and then edit them after work and post them online. There are a lot of people out there searching for such information and they will be more than glad to support your website. This means that apart from earning from your farm job, you will also be earning online. You can decide to sell farm equipment on your website or even monetise your website and get paid for the content you create.
You can be a traveller
Most fruit picking jobs in Tasmania are seasonal. This means that you do not have to stick on one farm until when the fruits are ready for picking. You can be moving from one farm to another picking fruits. This is a great way to tour around as you earn. You will also learn more about different types of fruits. You will make a lot of friends and connections in the agriculture business.