
If you’re planning to paint the exterior of your home, you’ll have to decide whether to use an all-over colour or Exterior Painters Melbourne-wide offers to vary the tones throughout your house. For instance, maybe you want to paint the front door a different colour from the sides and back, or perhaps you’d like to create some contrast with two complementary colours instead of one singular colour throughout your house. Here are five tips to help you choose the best exterior elevation paint colours for your home.
Find Inspiration from nature
That’s one of my favourite parts about being Exterior Painters Melbourne-wide. By seeking inspiration from nature and using different combinations of colours, I show off my skills in choosing and matching exterior paint colours. Rather than check your house with another house in your neighbourhood, by combining textures and colours, you can take your home from cookie cutter to painter's original. Here are some tips on how you can match your elevation paint for your home
Think about how much time you will spend outdoors
While it may seem like a good idea to choose a vibrant exterior paint colour that will stand out, you may regret it when you spend more time indoors because of how your home appears. Before deciding on your home’s exterior paint colour, consider how much time you will spend outside looking at your home each day—especially in the summer and winter. This will help you decide what exterior paint colours are best for your property and lifestyle.
Add layers of colour
To freshen your home’s exterior and keep it looking new, add new layers of colour every few years. Many people think they need to replace their siding completely—but with professional Exterior Painters Melbourne-wide, you can save money by adding a new layer over your existing siding. This will make your home look entirely different while retaining its exterior integrity. To get started, find an experienced painter in your area with knowledge of various paint products and techniques.
Experiment with different shades of the same colour
Before you commit to a specific exterior elevation paint colour, look at some of your favourite homes in your neighbourhood and try to see how well different shades of a single colour complement each other. Do you like vibrant red with burnt orange? Does yellow go well with magenta? Experimenting with similar but distinct colours can be a great way to find out which ones will look best in your home!
Think outside the box
We’ve all heard it, and we’ve probably all said it. But what does it mean? In a nutshell, thinking outside of your box means don’t let a limiting belief hinder you from taking action in pursuit of your goals. You break free from that mental trap is too challenging yourself and expanding your thinking. Instead of letting fears or doubt limit your vision for an exterior elevation project, ask yourself how you can design something better than ever and unique to your space. You might be surprised at what ideas come out when you think outside of that box.
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