
You walk into your kitchen to make a snack, only to find spiders all over your walls. What do you do? Do you rip down the walls and replace them with new drywall? No, because that would be expensive and time consuming. Instead, you learn about the different steps you can take to control those pesky eight-legged critters. Pest control involves far more than just spraying chemicals on your house day after day.
1. Be proactive about the pests in your home.
As with many things, it's easier to prevent a problem than solve one after it occurs. If you're proactive and keep an eye out for common household pests, you can catch them before they become a bigger problem and save yourself time, money and hassle.
2. Block their access points.
If you can't eliminate the food sources that attract pests to your home, block the access points they use to get inside. Seal cracks around windows, doors and vents with caulk or steel wool. Repair any screens that are damaged and install weather stripping around windows and doors if necessary. Keep garage doors closed when not in use to prevent rodents from getting inside your home through there as well.
3. Use traps to monitor and record activity in your home.
You can purchase or create traps for insects such as ants or roaches that are relatively easy to make using products you likely have in your kitchen pantry already — such as boric acid, beer or other liquids that attract pest insects or yeast used for baking bread — but less attractive to children or pets who might try to eat them otherwise. Traps will help you monitor where pests are coming into your home so you can address those areas appropriately later on.
4. Keep your home clean
Clean and sanitize kitchen surfaces after each use, including counters and table tops. Wash dirty dishes right away. Vacuum your floors, clean up food debris, and wipe down your counters regularly. Sweep up crumbs, especially around the stove and sink areas.
5. Store food in sealed containers
Store all dry goods and pantry items in sealed containers to keep pests out. Items such as cereal, pasta and flour should be kept in covered containers or resealable plastic bags.
6. Wash dirty dishes right away
Don't leave dirty dishes to sit overnight in the sink or on the counter top; wash them right away to avoid attracting roaches, ants and other pests that are drawn to food residues. Always wash dishes before leaving for work or going to bed at night – this is a huge help for homeowners who battle cockroaches all year long!
7. Clean up food debris from around your home
Clean up any spills immediately and wipe down surfaces after eating or cooking to prevent attracting ants and other pests looking for an easy meal or sugary snack.
8. Keep your home clean, inside and out
Spiders, ants and other insects often seek shelter in cluttered areas. Clean off surfaces and get rid of clutter to make it harder for pests to hide. Additionally, clean up spills right away so insects don't smell them and come looking for food.
9. Do regular inspections
You should do a thorough inspection of your home at least once a month to spot any signs of pests before they become a problem. Look for entry points like cracks and holes in your walls or foundation, and look for signs of insects such as eggs or shed skin.
10. Seal up entry points
If you find any cracks or holes around your windows or doors, seal them up with caulk. You can also use steel wool to plug holes that mice might use to get inside. Make sure you repair any torn screens on windows and doors as well.
11. Be careful when buying used furniture
Bed bugs are a particularly nasty pest that hitchhike on clothing, bags and furniture. If you buy secondhand furniture, be sure to check it carefully before bringing it into your home — especially mattresses and box springs. If the item has bed bugs, they can quickly spread through your home, causing a major infestation.
12. Pest Control with air rifle
Air rifles do work, but they are pretty much a last resort – after you’ve tried everything else. But, if you’re not scared of a little noise, an air rifle can be an effective pest control tool and it won’t cost you the earth.
Air rifles can be used for small and large pests, but for small rodents, it is important to use high-velocity pellets which can penetrate bones and organs. The best place to shoot is the head or neck. Make sure there are no non-target animals around when you use your air rifle.