
Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation
Open Cell Spray Foam and Closed Cell Spray Foam - What arethe Differences?
What is the Difference between Open Cell Spray Foam andClosed Cell Spray Foam?
Spray Foam Insulation is oftwo types:
1. Open cellspray foam insulation – What is open cell spray foaminsulation? It is thetype of spray foam insulation utilized for insulating the internal spaces, suchas crawl spaces, basement walls, attics, underside of roof decks, wall cavitiesetc. The density of the open cell foam insulation structure is lower, whichlets moisture permeate and aids in the management of moisture.
2. Closed-cellfoam insulation – It comes with approximately 6.2 R-value, which is the highestof any insulation. This kind of insulation is used in internal as well asexternal applications. Insulation of this type is rigid, and can prevent theentry of much water. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)acknowledges this as a flood-resistant material.
Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation Costs
What is cost of open cell spray foam insulation? When it comes to howmuch is open cell sprayfoam insulation cost, you have to know that the cost depends on variousfactors, such as:
· Type ofthickness that is needed
· Size of theproject, or how much area needs to be covered
· Amount oflabor that is needed
You have to also find acontractor that offers a cheaper quote to you for the insulation project. Foropen cell spray foam insulation, the spray foam insulation cost - on an average– for an entire house, can be in the range of 0.44 to 0.65 USD per board foot.