
A fresh coat of paint brightens up the walls like anything and is able to bring back the lost charm of any house. However, wall paintingis something that cannot be undertaken very often as it is an extensive affairand certainly calls for some planning and preparation. Once you make up your mind,you need to schedule a few days for the job.
And when is a good time to employ painting services in Miami Gardens and other nearby areas inFlorida? Well, it can depend on a few factors. Let’s discuss them below:
A paint job may be required solely for aesthetic reasons. However, if that’s not the case and the paint on your walls is beginning toshow signs of wear and tear, then it becomes even more imperative.
It is usually believed that paint on the exterior walls wearsout faster (as it is subjected to varying weather conditions) than interior,but this is not always the case. In fact it can be quite the opposite becauseexterior paints are more durable as they carry additives that are weatherresistant. Both exterior as well as interior paints can comfortably last for atleast five years if they are of standard, good quality.
However, in seaside regions of Florida, paints candeteriorate faster because of the salinity in the air. So one might have toconsider a paint job before the average time period as it also protects thewalls from mildew and mold. Professional painters in Miami Shores can educate the customers more about such aspects.
Secondly, paint is not a standalone job. The quality of italso depends upon the layers of plastering underneath it. If the plastering andleveling of walls is smooth and fine, then the paint on top of it will lastmuch longer. So it is obvious that if the plaster on the walls is beginning tocome off, then the paint with it will too and therefore, getting the walls re-donewould be a good idea to maintain a clean and pristine look of the house.
Another important factor to consider is to know how much aparticular area (that needs to be painted) is used. The corners of the housethat are used more often or are subjected to wear and tear due to moving offurniture and other items require a paint job more often than others. Professional painters in Miami willalso advise you the same. It is for this reason that a ceiling paint will lastlonger than the paint on the walls because the ceilings are practicallyuntouched and therefore remain neat and clean.
Even room wise, we do not tend to use all rooms equally. The bedrooms or the living room will probably be used much more than a separatestudy area or the entertainment area and therefore the former will require moremaintenance.
Next, a paint job is not always undertaken when the paintbegins to tear off. A new paint job is often required when the walls tend tostart becoming dirty. In a house where there are toddlers, scribbles anddrawings with color pencils, markers and poster paints, can often be noticed.This is not a pleasing sight. Also, if one tries to simply wash these marksaway then it will lead to the paint coming off or uglier smudged marks everywhere.So, in order to clean the walls properly, house painters in North Miami will advise you to just get a fresh coat of paint.
The number of times a house needs to be painted is alsodetermined by the kind of paint that was previously used. If one has tried tosave a few extra bucks and used cheap quality paint, then it will not last longand repainting in a few years might be required. Good quality paint on theother hand, will last for more time and thus actually end up saving more moneyin the long run for the customer.
Lastly, it is always advisable to consult a professional painting contractor in Miami Gardens before undertaking a painting job. Professionals are able to provide you with appropriateinformation on the budget, time that will be needed to paint the allotted areaas well as other details about the paint’s quality and life. The joy ofwatching your house transform into a new space is unparalleled and professionalpainters can help infuse life into dull walls all over again.
So good luck with your painting endeavors!
Author Bio: Michael Grant Painting L.L.C is a fully licensed and insuredpainting enterprise in Florida. With more than 20 years of experience in theindustry, the team takes on both residential and commercial projects and hasearned a reputation for consistently delivering quality outcomes to itsclients.