
Electrician Bristol - Identification of Positive and Negative Wires
It's quite important to know about the wire whether it is positive or negative when you are dealing with electrical wires. Some wires have plus and minus signs to indicate whether the wire is positive or negative. But there are some wires which do not have an indication mentioned. You can try to identify them on behalf of their physical characteristics by their colors etc, or you can use a digital multimeter. Let's have a look over some identifications measures clarified by Electrician Bristol:
Identification of wires on behalf of their physical characteristics:
It's good to know that appliance plugs don't really have positive and negative sides. They have "hot" wires and "neutral" sites, instead.
Generally, when there are three wires hanging on a ceiling light fixture, Recognize that the black wire is the positive one, the white wire is the negative one, and the green wire is the ground.
On speaker wire, copper wire is usually a positive wire
On an extension cord, a ribbed wire is generally the negative wire.
If you have an owner manual, you can refer to it for identification.
If the multi-colored wire is black and red, the black wire is the negative wire, while the red one is positive.
Using Digital Multimeter:
A digital multimeter should be on the direct current voltage setting.
Attach one lead to each wire.
Have a look at the reading, whether it is a negative or positive number.
Note that the wire on the red lead is positive if the reading is positive
Switch the leads so the red one is now on the other wire if there's a negative reading.
By the above two ways, you can figure out which wire is positive and which wire is negative.