
ArborCraft Tree Services - Can You Trim Trees in Winter? | Melbourne, VIC
Tree trimmers and arborists must consider the season, weather and type of tree to trim. While trimming trees can enhance their appearance and optimize health, the wrong trimming can cause more harm than good. For instance, removing a diseased limb on a rainy winter day may encourage the disease to spread, because wet tools are easily contaminated. The snow and wet winter period is usually not a safe time to prune. Arborists should consider the type of tree and the weather conditions before pulling out the shears.
Late winter is the safest time to perform an extensive pruning job on a tree. You should wait until the worst of the winters’ cold has passed to avoid exposing the pruning wounds to ice and snow damage. During late winter, deciduous trees lack leaves that may obscure the limbs making pruning decisions easier. After trimming, the tree will sprout new growths just in time for spring.
Some trees are early bloomers that require earlier pruning, according to horticulturists. You should trim trees immediately after the blooming period each year. Always trim storm-damaged trees immediately.
Though evergreen trees such as pines and firs also prefer late winter pruning, a light trim is safe at other times of the year. Most of these trees require little to no pruning, which makes most trims minor and purposeful. For instance, a broken branch may require immediate removal, regardless of the time of year. You can also safely liven up evergreen trees with a light trim during the winter holiday season.
Some trees - particularly maple, birch, elm and dogwood trees ooze sap when you trim them in late winter. While this excretion does not harm the trees and will eventually stop, it is sometimes unattractive to avoid this. You may choose to wait until midsummer.
While you should remove diseased or broken tree limbs as soon as possible, trimming in wet weather, a staple of winter may lead to rot or tool contamination. When trimming trees in winter, you should wait for a dry day to safeguard the health of a tree. Winter is not the best time to prune and trim most trees.