
We are discuss about ear exam
In daily life, we can have any disease related to ear, for this we can also cure it with some home remedies, but if the disease is more then we definitely go to a specialist and tell them our problem, apart from that there are many such There are reasons you might need an ear exam. You can get one as part of a routine check-up or your doctor may ask you some questions about an ear problem if they think you have one in both ears. there may be a problem in
When we need to go ent hospital
When you feel more ear problems, then without delay you should immediately go to a good ent hospital jaipur and the doctor can also ask you some questions to tell your problem to a good ent specialist.in jaipur
Pain in or around your ear, especially severe or severe pain that lasts for more than a day or two
Pus oozing or bleeding from the ear
Getting stuck in the ear
Ringing in ear
Hearing loss
How the doctor examines your ear
Whenever you have an ear problem, the doctor will most likely examine the outside of your ear. Then they'll use something called an otoscope to look inside. This is a handheld device that contains a light and a magnifying lens that lets your doctor look into your ear canal and get a view of your eardrum.
Your doctor may also use a pneumatic otoscope, which has a rubber bulb attached to it, to send a puff of air into your ear canal. This can help your doctor see what your eardrum looks like and how it moves when there is pressure (air) in your ear canal. It also lets your doctor see if there is a problem with the tube that connects your middle ear to the back of your throat (your Eustachian tube), or if you have fluid behind your eardrum.
While your doctor is using any otoscope, they will gently pull the outer part of your ear back and slightly upward. This straightens your ear canal and allows your doctor to insert the otoscope into your ear without irritation.
Most of the time, the ear exam is painless. If you have a severe ear infection or an injury to your ear, you may experience some discomfort. Your doctor will try to make you comfortable.