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TractionAlopecia is a medical term that signifies a certain type of hair lossin men, women, or children. Hair loss makes worsen the people’semotions caused by the change of overall natural appearance. Thereare so many reasons for hair fall such as chronical illness,inheritance, imbalanced diet, burns, vitamin deficiency, and manymore. Some conditions are reversible with medicines and treatment.But hair loss problems caused by hereditary factors, hormonalconditions, and traction are irreversible and cannot be treated byany treatments or injections. Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia,and Traction Alopecia must be overcome by only hair transplantsurgery to implant new hair grafts at the locations of hair fall onthe scalp. You can consult and get advice for proper treatment fromDr. Kinnar Kapadia, the besthair transplant surgeon in India.You can get your health profile checked with the perfect diagnosticprocess and get an advanced hair transplant treatment for successfulhair growth.
TractionAlopecia Problem And Symptoms
TractionAlopecia is a permanent hair loss problem created by pulling of hairsin the same way for long periods of time. The traction created bystretching of hairs continuously for a longer time starts damaginghair follicles, which are the root tissues of hair strands. If thecondition persists for a long time the hair follicles becomeinactive, shred the hairs and no more growth occurs at the locationleading to bald patches. The pulling of hairs with bands and bindingvery tightly for long hours causes permanent hair loss at theparticular area on the scalp. Some people may also get infections,redness, swelling, and sores along with hair loss. Itching andpimples at the base of hair strands may occur as symptoms before hairfall. All these problems make the condition worsen for the personemotionally, and also effects on the appearance. Receding hairlinemay also occur reducing the outline of hairs from the forehead, crownor temples. Scars and patches exist at the place of hair loss.
Prevention And Treatment
Thehair should be maintained carefully keeping in mind that no stress isapplied to the strands. Long hairs must not be tightened or braidedroughly with strong bands or clips. Loose hairstyles may be appliedto look beautiful but not without stretching them. Change of a hairstyle like ponytails, dreadlocks, cornrows, braids within smalldurations is helpful. Longterm usage of chemical-based hairapplications and shampoos must be avoided. Usage of hair relaxersleads to the damage of hair shafts causing much hair loss. Intake ofvitamin and mineral-rich food helps to keep the hair strands andfollicles nourished and good looking.
OptFor Better Treatment
Hairlossand its permanent effects can be overcome by taking proper treatmentby expert doctors. Dr. Kinnar Kapadia is the besthair transplant doctor in India and familiar with the latest hair transplant techniques. The AvenuesCosmetic Surgery Centre is the popular destination for availingtreatment for Traction Alopecia and other problems.