
This seems a bit hypothetical but is actually true. You might have seen yogic meditation where someone sits down eyes closed in a relaxed pose, actually meditation is happening only when you cannot sense one thing going around you, nor feel it and the only thing which you can completely identify is one single subject which you have focussed upon.
What is Meditation? - Yoga School in Rishikesh - Sanskar Yogashala
You might be waiting for this article for quitesome time and we have been waiting to write it down pretty much to ease yourcuriosity in the way as it is. Many of us or almost all of us are aware of thepractice of meditation or commonly known as peaceful concentration. In theyogic tradition, the word used is DHYAN, which has similar meaning and sensebut with a very specific twist. DHYAN means to contemplate on one and only onetopic or subject. It seems pretty simple but it is rather something very –verytough to do at once. For example, reading a book is easy; you can concentrateon the matter and go on doing it for any length of time but consider meditationor DHYAN like reading a book and only doing it nothing else. This means whileyou read it you can neither sense anything else, feel anything else or in otherwords, you are aware of nothing but only reading the book in hand. All of yourminds, senses, and efforts are doing only one thing and hence making the mostout of it which any normal reader won’t.
This seems a bit hypothetical but is actuallytrue. You might have seen yogic meditation where someone sits down eyes closedin a relaxed pose, actually meditation is happening only when you cannot senseone thing going around you, nor feel it and the only thing which you cancompletely identify is one single subject which you have focussed upon. Forstarters, yogic tradition teaches us to focus on your breath since that is oneprocess easy to contemplate and a process that can be felt to undergo changes asit progresses.
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