
Treat Retina & Vitreous Eye problems- Vitrectomy Surgery
This is a type of operation where your provider will remove the vitreous layer that is present in your eyes and it will be in a jelly fluid manner by removing that they will replace a saline solution. This kind of disorder has a high range, equipment is important and that is available in top vitrectomy hospitals. The retina is generally a light-sensitive layer that is present back to your eyes this act as a film role to the camera. The lens will provide the image to the retina and this is a signal which the image reaches the brain. Survey reveals that about 21% of people above 40 getting the retina and vitreous related eye issues predominantly so getting a periodic eye checkup becomes vital.
Why do you think that you get it?
For you to get a clear image the light has to pass directly to your eye region and it must reach the retina. The tissues that are in bundles back to your eyes have the high ability to sense light. This finally sends the information to your brain. There are a lot of diseases that may cause the fluid in the vitreous to cloud, harden, fill in blood, or bring a scar. This makes the light not reach the retina properly and will cause trouble in your vision. Removing the jelly fluid and fixing the proper fluid inside the layer will be helpful for you in improving your problem.
In some cases, the retina tends to pull away from the tissue that is present around it. To get to your retina directly without any issues your doctors may make use of a vitrectomy and repair them.
During this process, the opthalmologist will also access your macula which is present at the center of the retina and will provide a sharp central vision. Even a small hole in it may cause blurry vision as a result. It will be easier to fix with the vitreous fluid gone.
Some of the problems that occur while the treatment of vitrectomy,
∙ Severe eye injury
∙ Infections may occur inside your eyes
∙ Your retina may get wrinkles that are macular puckers
∙ The blood vessels in your retina may get damaged
Warning signs
During normal times you will be able to view objects clearly without having any blur. But once when you get into this kind of issue you by yourself will be able to experience that the vision is getting slowly invisible and with heavy disturbance and pain. These will be the starting symptoms and slowly your eyes will start to turn red and every day you will feel your eyes getting swelling.
These will be the warning signs at the initial stage but if you consult your doctor there itself then this will not move seriously and if you find that this is nothing important to you then this will start to trigger the issue and make more allergies by making the situation to get worse.
What happens before the surgery?
You can ask some of the questions to ophthalmologist who is going to treat you. You can raise questions such as,
How long the procedures for surgery will be done?
What is the anesthetic option that will be given to you during the time of surgery?
Should you stop taking medications before surgery?
Before surgery are there any rules to stop any kind of food or drink and also if yes then how long before should you stop?
Even before you get into the surgery your doctor will examine your eyes with the help of the special type of instruments and lights. Your eyes will be dilated and your doctor may undergo an ultrasound on your eyes which will help them to look a close view at your retina.
During the time of surgery
The treatment for vitrectomy may take one to several hours that completely depend on the condition of the patient and also the treatment. To repair the problem just one sitting is enough. During the time of surgery, you will have your eyes opened and you will be completely conscious to make the eye region without making you feel it a numbing drops will be given. Or in another case, you may even get general anesthesia which will help you to sleep during the time of surgery. To perform the surgery your provider will,
A small cut will be made at the outer layer of your eyes
Nearly the white part of your eye will be cut through and that is called the sclera
With the help of microscopic cutting tools from a superior eye care hospital, the vitreous fluid is being removed. During the removal of the vitreous fluid, your eyes will be filled with normal eye fluid liquid.
The scar tissue or any other debris that is present in your eyes will be removed.
After the treatment is done your doctor will make sure that there are no further damages to your eyes and also will repair the previous damages.
Later your eyes will be filled with a complete line. In case your doctor makes use of silicone oil then you will have to remove it after the surgery is done and fill them with saline.
To close the opened area stitches will be done but in most cases, people do not need them.
In several cases, your doctor will apply antibiotics over the surgery place and cover them with a patch.
Later when you think that the wound is healed then you can remove the patch.
Finally, you can view light directly without any hesitations or pain
Before you move for the surgery make sure that you take someone along with you so that you can drive back home with their help of them. Your doctor will provide you with some drops of antibiotics which will make you stay away from any kind of infections in your eyes.
If you think that the pain is increased then you can make use of the counter pain relievers and this will make you stay out of pain. After the surgery is done your doctor will have to check your eyes and you will have to reach out to the place whenever necessary.
This consultation with the opthalmologist may happen the next day after the procedure is done then you will have to closely follow them for the next couple of weeks also.
Risk factors
In most cases the surgery is highly successful only in rare cases there may occur complications. You are behavior with your eyes will decide on whether to repair them or create complications.
Benefits of surgery
After the surgery is done and if you follow all the medications properly then you can get a completely clear vision
∙ You will never get any pain and irritation once when the surgery is done
∙ You will never get any infection later
∙ You can drive to a long distant place
When should you call your doctor?
∙ When you feel that your vision is getting to go away then at that point itself you need to call your doctor for getting some help.
∙ In another case if you have severe pain or if you think that your eyes are getting red color and swelling then you have to reach out.
∙ If you feel that any discharges getting away from your eyes frequently then you have to consult your doctor.
∙ After giving raised pressure in your eyes by concentrating on one particular thing if you feel more serious in viewing things then you can get to your doctor.
These may even be the signs of serious problems that may occur but if you consult your doctor before itself and check they will treat you to get away from the issue.
Experience in treating conditions
To make the treatment get successful you will have to choose the best doctors and if you come across our service every service is available over here without causing any further issues. From an experienced vitrectomy surgeon, there are many chances for you to restore a lost vision by making use of the vitrectomy treatment.
What can you expect?
Your ophthalmologist will ask you to take some of the tests based on your retina. The photographic assessment of the retina will be done to check at what stage the patient is in. Testing is very important so that accurately the doctor will be able to learn about the blood vessels and the nerves that are back to the eyes. At one visit itself, your doctor will be able to test all of these examinations. Holding a little more at the clinic will be helpful for you in reducing the number of visiting times that you need to reach the clinic. In a single take itself you will be able to clear out all of your exams and your doctor will suggest to you then about what you have to do.