
Shining Light Hospice provides compassionate care to the terminally ill and their loved ones. We offer a range of home services that can help alleviate some of the stress and burden that comes with life-limiting illness.
Our hospice home services include bereavement counseling, support groups, meal delivery, and more. We also have a special mission to provide family hospice care to those who want to be able to care for their loved ones during their last days or weeks. This allows them to stay in the same household as their loved one and be available for support and comfort at any time.
We believe that every person deserves access to compassionate care at the end of life, no matter what their diagnosis or stage of life. Shining Light Hospice is dedicated to providing high quality end-of-life services that will make your experience as comfortable as possible. Contact us today to learn more about our hospice home services and family hospice mission.