Are you worried that erectile dysfunction is the reason?
Millions of men struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED), which is nothing to be ashamed of. You can start addressing any worries you might have about your present sexual health by responding to the following questions honestly. You can also set yourself up for success when you talk to your healthcare physician about possible treatment choices.
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Tests to look for underlying problems could consist of:
· Exam of the body. This may entail carefully examining your penis and testicles as well as testing the sensation in your nerves.
· a blood test. A lab may request a sample of your blood to examine for indications of diabetes, low testosterone, heart disease, and other illnesses.
· Testing urine (urinalysis). Urine tests are used, like blood testing, to look for indicators of diabetes and other underlying medical disorders.
· Ultrasound. Usually, a specialist will carry out this test at their office. It entails the use of a transducer, which is held over the blood arteries supplying the penis. It generates a video image so your doctor can observe if you have issues with blood flow.
· Sometimes, this examination is combined with a medicine injection into the
Your doctor will check to see if you are receiving the proper care for any medical illnesses that could be contributing to or worsening your erectile dysfunction.
You may have a variety of therapy choices depending on the root cause, the degree of your erectile dysfunction, and any underlying medical concerns. Your doctor will take your preferences into account and can go over the advantages and hazards of each course of therapy. Your treatment decisions may also be influenced by your partner's preferences.
Medicine taken orally
For many men, oral medicines are an effective erectile dysfunction treatment. They consist of:
According to recent research, exercise, particularly aerobic activity that ranges from moderate to vigorous intensity, can help with erectile dysfunction.
Even more moderate exercise on a regular basis may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction. Increasing your exercise level could help to further lower your risk.
With your doctor, go over an exercise regimen.