
Intrauterine insemination, referred to in short as IUI, is a popular alternative method of conception following second to IVA for in vitro fertilization. In this blog, we are going to discuss the benefits of the intrauterine insemination process and why a couple should opt for IUI over IVF in specific cases for conception.
Many people opt for IVF since it is a relatively less costly process. Intrauterine insemination, however, involves less invasion of the woman’s body. It is a minimally invasive process that directly makes contact of a number of sperm with the eggs in the woman's body and is considered to be a bit more expensive.
Why Go For Intrauterine Insemination
Let us have a look at the benefits of intrauterine insemination over other alternative methods of conception and why should couples opt for IUI:
● Intrauterine insemination is a process that almost guarantees success and the process involves the placement of a number of washed sperm directly into the woman's uterus when she is in the process of releasing her eggs during her monthly cycle.
● Intrauterine insemination works in sync with the woman's menstrual cycle. This is one added benefit of this process. The woman can easily plan her pregnancy cycle by taking this insemination method in correlation with her monthly periods.
● Intrauterine insemination ensures that a proper hygienic atmosphere is provided to the to-be mother and there are minimal chances of any infection occurring.
When Should A Couple Opt For Intrauterine Insemination
Intrauterine insemination is a better choice over in vitro fertilization in specific cases. Let us have a look at the medical conditions in which intrauterine insemination would be the preferred form of conception.
● Cervical infertility: The opening between the woman’s uterus and vagina is referred to as the cervix. If the service provides a very obscure passage, or if the cervical mucus is too thick which does not allow the sperm to travel to the ovary, it may result in cervical infertility on part of the woman.
● Endometriosis-related infertility: Endometriosis is a medical condition in which there is a very thick lining that develops around the uterus, which results in a painful menstrual cycle and intercourse. Endometriosis must be treated first so that a proper healthy egg is obtained from the woman's body, followed by the intrauterine insemination procedure.
● Male-factor infertility: Several factors may be indicative of male-factor infertility. This includes the production of no sperm at all, the production of very poor quality sperm, the production of sperm in low amounts, and any abnormalities in the shape and size of the sperm or issues with the motility of the sperm. If the sperm is unable to move properly, it will be able to travel through the uterus and fertilize the woman’s eggs.
● Unexplained infertility: Often it might happen that a couple is unable to conceive successfully due to reasons that remain unexplained. In case of this unexplained infertility, intrauterine insemination may pave the way to a successful conception process.
The IUI process overall might be one that is a tad bit more expensive, but it comes with its own set of benefits. If you are a couple who are looking to conceive my alternate methods of conception, this might just be the right choice for you.Consult a specialist for expert guidance on the matter and take your final decision. It is time for you to bring new life to Earth!
For more queries you can always consult with the best fertility expert in Siliguri.