
Health Benefits And Side Effects Of Sattu Powder
A common component in Indian cuisine is sattu powder. It is a flour with a high protein content created from powdered chana (Bengal gramme) and other pulses and grains. It is well-liked throughout India, particularly in Jharkhand, Bihar, Punjab, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh. It is also popular in several areas of Pakistan.
What was previously only available in a few states is now a well-known, exotic cuisine item that can even be found in supermarkets. In many regions of Pakistan, it is surprisingly common and consumed. Wheat, barley, and sorghum are just a few different shapes Sattu can take.
The term "poor man's protein" is frequently used to refer to sattu powder. It is the latest meal to become well-liked and regarded as a superfood. Sattu has several positive health impacts in addition to some negative ones. It is frequently employed to prepare some simple yet delicious meals.
The Best Way To Make Sattu Powder At Home?
"Satu Powder" describes finely pulverised roasted chana dal or chickpeas. It is also offered in various blends, including wheat sattu, barley sattu, etc.
2 cups of properly washed chana dal are required.
Cook it for 6 to 8 minutes, or until mushy and soft, in 3 cups of water.
In a bowl, place the daal after draining the water.
The boiling chana dal should be wrapped in clay cloth and left for three to four hours.
Then, lay it out and allow it to dry for three to four hours in the shade on a cotton sheet.
On low heat, cook the dry chana dal for 45 minutes.
Pulverise the chana dal. The powder can be created in any fineness or coarseness.
The Health Effects Of Sattu Powder
However, not everyone may find Sattu to be suitable. Here are a few sattu adverse effects to be aware of before using.
1. Causes Indigestion
Protein and carbs are among the several nutrients found in Sattu. Doctors advise doing so in moderation, especially at night, to prevent indigestion. The stomach may become bloated and gassy after excessive eating. Try Isabgol, a common home treatment for dyspepsia in Indian households.
2. Avoid Those Who Have Kidney Stones
While salt encourages the generation of calcium in urine, protein inhibits citrate. Therefore, one of the drawbacks of sattu is kidney stones.
The Health Advantages Of Sattu Powder
Here are a few health advantages of sattu powder. Check it out!
1. Natural Summer Cooler
The best way to quench your thirst in the summer is with a sattu-based beverage. The body temperature is markedly lowered, and the risk of overheating is reduced.
2. Extremely Healthy
The dry roasting method of preparing sattu packs up all the nutrients. It contains a lot of fibre, magnesium, calcium, iron, and protein.
3. Fantastic For Gut
Sattu contains a lot of insoluble fibre, which is excellent for the intestines. It removes greasy foods, constipation, and acidity from the colon by cleaning and detoxifying it.
4. Weight-Loss Support
Start sattu powder consumption on an empty stomach if you want to lose weight. It helps to effectively burn calories while reducing bloating and increasing metabolism.
5. Controls Blood Sugar Level
The glycemic index rating of Sattu is low. This is because protein, among other nutrients, is present in sattu and helps lower blood sugar levels.
Patients with diabetes can therefore consume it to manage their blood sugar levels.
6. Aids In Cholesterol Reduction
The high fibre content of sattu helps control blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Because the coronary arteries are protected, it reduces the risk of heart disease.
Sattu Powder Nutritious Value
This superfood of 100 g weight contains
Energy- 413kcal
Sodium- 158g
Carbohydrate- 64g
Protein- 25g
Fibre- 18g
Fat- 5g
Difference Between Sattu And Besan
The term "sattu" refers to a component of a dish that has been roasted before being reduced to a powder. When chana is pounded into a powder but not roasted beforehand, the resulting product is referred to as besan. If besan were to be roasted and then ground into a powder, the resulting substance would be referred to as sattu. Additionally, sattu is characterised by a somewhat more grainy texture than besan.
Dietitian's Recommendation
Sattu has low sodium and iron, manganese, and magnesium levels. The high insoluble fibre content of sattu makes it good for the intestines. In addition, it acts as a cooling agent and a source of immediate energy to keep the internal organs at ease.
There are numerous additional, already mentioned health advantages. Consequently, I urge having sattu once daily in the summer and twice to three times weekly on other days.
-Dt. Lavina Chauhan
The Final Say
It's general knowledge that sattu is considered to be a "poor man's food" due to the fact that it's particularly popular among labourers and that flour is relatively inexpensive. It is a delectable snack that is also high in nutrients and gives the body with all it needs to function properly. On the other hand, the advantages of sattu need to be highlighted more clearly in order to encourage more people to eat it and take advantage of its benefits.
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