
Bhastrika Pranayama: How to do it? — Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh India
Bhastrika Pranayama: How to do it? —
Yoga Teacher Training Coursein Rishikesh India
In our long course of practice, we have seen and experienced so muchand I think till now many of us would be curious to know the depths of thesespecific techniques. I can once again assure you that what we would uncoverwould truly make your even happier and healthier at least.
Upon knowing the Pranayama practice one tends to think how, why and whereregarding the practice of this immensely potent practice as we had extolledabout it in our last article. And today I would begin with the very first typeof Pranayama which again has been the result of the tireless synthesis of ourancestor sages who provided us with these gifts. The name as the title says isBHASTRIKA and once again the Sanskrit meaning of this word means BELLOWS, inshort, the meaning is bellow breathing. Bellows is a medium-sized hollows pipethrough which air is blown and is used in India for lighting up fires forcooking (especially in rural villages). If you want an idea then you canconsider a simple flute through which a musician forces air and rhythms ofharmony arise. Similarly, like this once air is forced through a bellow a veryfine continuous tune of passing air is heard. This pranayama derives its namefrom the same, now let’s see how.Get more information about Yoga TeacherTraining Course in Rishikesh India
You first sit down in a comfortable seated posture and remain steady whilefirst noticing that passage of your nostrils is clear. Next, either you cankeep your eyes open (if beginning) or close it so that you can only focus onthe process of your breathing. Once doing that start inhaling and exhaling in arhythm, a rhythm as per your capacity and your comfort while you do. Whathappens is that once you begin inhaling and exhaling keeping in mind the rhythmyour air passage from the nostrils to the lungs which is the windpipe startsacting as a bellow we identified earlier and you can hear the fine harmonioustone of the passage of air while inhaling and exhaling both.
Once you establish this rhythm you can clearly observe, feel and evencontemplate your own bellow breathing, a fine continuous tone while you inhaleand exhale. This tone which slowly and steadily becomes deeper and deeper asdoes your breathing cycle. This is the simplest pranayama technique to startwith and one can progress with an enhanced number of cycles. This deep bellowbreathing marks the entry of a practitioner into the practice of the pranayamasthe breathing cycles go on extending more and more as the practitionerpractices with utmost will and steadfastness.
There is no such precaution in this pranayama practice as it is simple, easy tounderstand and most easy for a practitioner to adapt and move ahead withpranayama practice. The only precaution is not overdoing or in other words,forcing or constricting your windpipe or voice box to force the bellowingsound. Once you initiate yourself intothe practice the fine bellow tune as in a flute emerges within the harmony ofyour pranayama practice.
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