
200-hour yoga teacher training Course in India - Yoga teacher training in India
200-hour yoga teacher training Course in India - Yoga teacher training in India
"Aatm Yogashala"the name of our school itself means "soul", a place which will leadyou to the path of self realization and create a strong connection to your souland make you listen to your inner voice. At aatm yogshala we aim and believethat yoga will create a positive change and establish a wider and a clearervision towards life . Away from the fast paced life of limitless desires &expectations, here at the banks of Mother Ganga you will touch base withreality of the universal language of spirituality.
Our school will help you establish a firm foundation for yourself practice. The school will not only fulfill your expectations under theexpertise of the teachers but also create a conducive environment for you tomaintain and achieve stability and build stronger roots according to yogicdisciple. The accomodation is provided keeping in mind the comfort and spacefor a individual to feel at home.
The school aims at providing an enriching yogic experience.Inspite of Rishikesh having more than a 100 yoga schools our shala can bedifferentiated by the years of experience & personal touch the teachers ofour school give to each student. They make sure that every student gains whatthey intend to achieve throughout their one month journey. The classes are designedkeeping in mind the specific aspects of yoga roots through lectures and yogaasanas.
Aatm Yogashala, Rishikesh founded by Yogi Amit, is one of theleading Yoga Institute for Teachers' Training Programmes, in Rishikesh.The Aatmyoga Shala aims to spread the knowledge of Yoga all over the world, makingworld a better and healthy place to live in.
YogaTTC School in India - Yoga Teacher TrainingCourse in Rishikesh
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