
Dealing with PCOS
Dealing with PCOS
Women of reproductive age frequently have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder. Women who have PCOS may have elevated levels of androgens or male hormones as well as irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles. The ovaries may create a large number of tiny fluid-filled sacs called follicles, but they may not always release eggs.
PCOS has no recognized cause. Long-term complications like type 2 diabetes and heart disease may be prevented with weight loss, early detection, and treatment.
How common is PCOS among women?
Most women with PCOS don't exhibit any symptoms. The fact that the condition is asymptomatic makes it even more difficult to estimate how many women will be affected. However, if you don't exhibit any symptoms, the illness may be benign and have no negative effects.
According to research by Letsgasm, a sexual health & wellness store in the UK, PCOS is thought to affect about 1 in 10 women in the UK, despite the fact that it is difficult to pinpoint the precise number of affected women. Since most women never realize that they have PCOS and do not get the diagnosis, it remains tough to come up with an accurate figure.
Symptoms that you may have PCOS
The following are the primary traits of PCOS that you should look out for:
- a surplus of facial or body hair
- irregular periods, which show that your ovaries don't regularly release eggs (ovulation)
- having trouble getting pregnant due to irregular or absent ovulation
- unexplainable weight gain
- acne or oily skin
If you exhibit at least two symptoms, you might be given a PCOS diagnosis. Even though many women experience one or more of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have PCOS. Only by consulting a doctor will you be able to receive a precise diagnosis.
What causes PCOS?
The precise cause of PCOS is unknown, but it frequently runs in families. The abnormal hormone levels in the body, which include high insulin levels, are the culprit. The insulin hormone controls the body's sugar levels. Many women with PCOS produce more insulin to combat their body's resistance to the hormone. As a result, hormones like testosterone are produced and active at higher levels.
Being overweight or obese also results in your body producing more insulin, which adds another risk factor. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an excellent way of ensuring that you do not develop the disorder.
Managing and treating your PCOS
The good news is that with the proper care, the majority of PCOS sufferers can become pregnant and lead normal lives with regular periods and no symptoms.
Although PCOS cannot be cured, its symptoms can be controlled. Consult a doctor if you think you might be suffering from the condition. If you lose weight and switch to a healthy, balanced diet, some PCOS symptoms may get better. Symptoms like excessive hair growth, irregular periods, and infertility problems can also be treated with medications.
If fertility drugs are ineffective, a simple surgical procedure called laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) might be suggested.
Make sure you have a firm diagnosis from a licensed doctor before you start any treatments. Starting any PCOS treatment if you don't have it can have negative side effects and is not advised.