
Best Robotic Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Best Robotic Knee Replacement Surgeon in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Robotic knee replacement surgery replaces the knee joint similarly to a traditional procedure. The surgeon removes the damaged tissues and replaces them with an artificial joint. The usage of a robotic arm or other handheld robotic equipment is the only distinction (depending on the robotic system used for your surgery).
For knee replacements, conventional joint replacement methods are being wiped out in favor of highly accurate robotic technology. There are over 400 joint replacement robots in the United States, but only 4 in India.
The first robotic total knee replacement has launched in Rajasthan and Central India under the direction of Dr. Anoop Jhurani. He is also known as one of the best robotic knee replacement surgeons in Jaipur, India.
Dr. Anoop Jhurani has treated Indian patients for 14 years and has replaced over 11,000 hips and knees. Our center welcomes patients from all around India and strives to deliver the best partial and total knee replacement outcomes possible.
After this kind of surgery, patients frequently have less discomfort since there are no muscles to surround the joint; instead, one metal implant is positioned inside the knee to provide support. Robotic surgery has many advantages for patients who opt for it.