Arthritis in Feet and Ankles
Arthritis in Feet and Ankles
Arthritis can be best described as a disease that results in pain and swelling in one’s joints. When you suffer from arthritis, you find it difficult to bend or move different parts of your body like arms and finger joints. The effect of arthritis in feet and ankles has been studied extensively by medical experts in the last several years.

Arthritis in Feet and Ankles

What Causes Pain In Your Ankles and Feet

Arthritis can be best described as a disease that results in pain and swelling in one’s joints. When you suffer from arthritis, you find it difficult to bend or move different parts of your body like arms and finger joints. The effect of arthritis in feet and ankles has been studied extensively by medical experts in the last several years.

If you have been facing severe pain in your ankles and feet, there is a high chance of it being caused by one of the following types of arthritis:

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Often described as one of the gravest types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis happens to be an autoimmune disease that is characterized by your immune system not offering adequate support to your joints. Usually, the same joint on either side of the body of an individual isaffected by this particular type of arthritis.


When uric acid builds up inside your body in higher quantities, it results in the formation of gout. Pain and swelling in your body are often a result of gout. Apart from your hands, elbow and wrist, it can cause severe pain in your ankles and feet. To get rid of gout, you should switch to a healthier diet and ensure that you don’t eat or consume anything that triggers this condition.


Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is often caused by age-related factors and has often referred to as a degenerative joint disease by doctors. If you have been facing severe pain under foot arch, there is a high chance of you suffering from osteoarthritis. By doing exercises and keeping yourself fit, you can reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis to a good extent. 

Apart from the aforementioned types of arthritis, there is also a possibility of an individual suffering from post-traumatic arthritis, especially when they have had an injury. Whenever you feel a sharp pain arising in your ankles or feet, it is imperative that you see a doctor immediately, so that the real cause behind it can be traced.