
Vaginal Discharge:
The vagina is one of the most prominent parts of the female body and it has a superpower to clean itself. In the process of cleaning, it may discharge some kind of fluid which may also be known as Vaginal Discharge. Vaginal discharge may seem a sign of any abnormality in the female body but they are completely normal. They are part of the menstrual cycle and can vary in color and consistency throughout the month. Some women experience this discharge every alternate day while some may experience it frequently.
Vaginal discharge is a matter of concern when it shows some strong changes in odor or consistency. Consult your Gynecologist instantly if you find anything unusual with your vaginal discharge.
White Vaginal Discharge:
Vaginal discharge is also termed Leukorrhea which comprises fluid and bacteria derived from the vaginal cells. The discharge assists in the fertilization process as it provides perfect consistency that allows sperm to penetrate the cervix.
The hormonal imbalance is the reason behind the discharge When the presence of progesterone increases in the body a white and cloudy discharge can be noticed whereas when estrogen level is at its peak one may notice clear and watery discharge. Discharge is a natural process that removes bacteria from the vagina.
Causes of Vaginal Discharge:
Natural process: Vaginal discharge is a natural body cleaning process that can be commonly noticed at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. Sometimes it is also accompanied by itching or foul odor.
Using birth control pills: If you are using the birth control pill this can lead to more discharge which may look unusual as hormone levels are affected by them. The increase is not usually a cause for concern unless there are any other symptoms accompanied by them like strong odor or blood.
Yeast Infection: Yeast infection is another most common cause that can lead to frequent vaginal discharge accompanied by itching and burning around the vagina. Discharge in yeast infection resembles cottage cheese and is thick, white, and lumpy.
Bacterial Vaginosis: Bacterial Vaginosis is an infection that is caused by bacterial imbalances in the vagina. The discharge is greyish-white in color accompanied by a bad odor. The main reason behind this discharge is having multiple sex partners.
Sexually transmitted infections: Sexually transmitted infections are also a reason behindvaginal discharge which can vary from white to yellow in color. Accompanied with severe itching.
When is discharge normal?
Vaginal discharge is a normal course of a monthly routine. But not every discharge is a normal discharge. Let us tell you what is included in normal discharge-
It doesn’t have a strong or unpleasant smell
Is clear or white
Is thick and sticky
The consistency is slippery and wet
When your discharge is not normal?
If you notice any unusual change in your discharge routine then it's time to seek medical advice. If you notice a change in the smell, color, or texture it might be a sign of some sort of infection.
Certain vaginal infections and STIs can cause a change in discharge and can be linked to foul-smelling discharge and a number of other changes, some of these include:
Bacterial vaginosis
Gonorrhoea or chlamydia
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Yeast infections
Changes in color, smell, or texture
Increased quantity of discharge
burning or itching