
The ability to clean the air is an important ability. However, we do not breathe clean air, especially in cities. From now on, buying an air purifier to clean the air around us seems to be the only wise choice.
But air purifiers are expensive. So, what should we do?
Invest in indoor plants. Not only do they make your home look better, they remove toxins from the air at the same time. It is also a win-win situation. Isn't it?
Read on to learn about the 10 plants that clean the air, how to care for them, and where to put them in your home. "There is so much pollution in the air now that if it wasn't for our lungs, there wouldn't be a chance to absorb it all." ~Robert Orben
1. Areca palm
Like all trees, the Areca palm is designed to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. However, what sets the Areca palm apart is its ability to purify the environment it is planted in by removing harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. Care and maintenance: Areca palm thrives in dry conditions and should be watered regularly. For one person, four sticks at shoulder height should be enough.
Best place: living room
2. Snake plant
The plant also known as mother's tongue is unique for the production of oxygen that occurs at night and the ability to clean the air by removing benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene and toluene. Recommendations and care: Snake plants do well in window light and should be watered weekly. For one person, six to eight trees are recommended at the main level. In an airless room, these plants are able to produce enough oxygen to breathe.
Best place: Living room
3. silver industry
Featured by NASA, the Money Tree is known for its ability to remove chemicals and other air pollutants, especially benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene. However, despite the benefits of its high purity, this plant is poisonous for cats, dogs and children if its leaves are touched. Care and maintenance: Money plants prefer indirect light and should be watered approximately weekly. For one person, an eighteen centimeter tree is recommended.
Best place: Any room, but out of reach of pets or children.
4. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii)
Arguably the best entry on the list, the Gerbera daisy is often used as an ornamental in the garden. However, the Gerbera Daisy also stands out for its ability to produce a large amount of oxygen at night and remove harmful chemicals, such as benzene and trichlorethylene. It is useful for people who suffer from sleep apnea and breathing problems, keep this on the bedside table for better sleep. Recommendations and maintenance: Gerbera Daisy prefers sunlight in summer, spring and autumn, and indirect light in winter. It is watered regularly to keep the soil moist. Due to the decorative nature of the flower, the number of flower pots recommended is up to the grower.
Best place: Living room
5. Chinese evergreen
The Chinese Evergreen is one of the most common indoor plants and for good reason. This plant emits a large amount of oxygen while cleaning the interior of harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins. As the name suggests, it is popular in China, especially because it is highly effective in removing pollutants from the air.
Recommendations and Care: Chinese Evergreen does well in full shade and requires only occasional watering with emphasis on maintaining moisture. The number of trees kept is up to the owner.
Best place: living room
6. Spider Tree
For those of you who are new to the house, solid spider wood is the perfect choice. It will gently combat toxins including carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the printing and plastic industries. If you have pets, this is one of the friendliest houseplants.
Recommendations and maintenance: You can also bring back small "spiders" and grow a whole family of plants that will take care of themselves ... and you.
Best place: living room or bedroom
7. Aloe Vera
The healing aloe plant is a beautiful addition to your kitchen windowsill, because it loves a sunny spot. While on hand to light the kitchen, this flavor will eliminate the air of formaldehyde and benzene, which is found in varnishes, on the floor and soap.
Recommendations and Care: This plant will do well in a sunny location. It does not require frequent watering, so it is good for new plant parents.
Best place: any windowsill or well-lit corner, out of the way to avoid bugs
8. palm width
It is one of the few herbs that can help reduce ammonia levels that can be found in many cleaning products. They are expensive to buy when fully grown, you can buy small ones or start from seeds. Recommendations and maintenance: Water-loving, this plant will be very happy and generous.
Best place: bathroom, entryway, or living room. However, if it is placed in the bathroom, go quickly and sprinkle the water to absorb the water as it is.
9. Red Dracaena or dragon tree
Trichlorethylene and xylene are among the pollutants that this fast-growing herb fights. The leaves have a bright red border that adds a splash of color to your home.
Tips and care: This plant needs good sun. Best Place: It can grow up to 8 feet, so keep it in a room with a roof. A well-lit corner of the room or balcony
10. Weeping fig
A popular houseplant since Victorian times, the weeping fig can help fight formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.
Maintenance and maintenance: These are hardy plants that don't like changes. Keep your weeping fig in bright, indirect light, away from drafts, and it will be a reliable cleaner for years to come.
The best place: the balcony or the light side of the house