
The news about covid-19 telecast on various channels, and medical experts often talk about its symptoms and precautions. However, if you regularly follow these shows, you might also hear about antibody testing for covid. However, it might confuse you at first glance what this test is about and how it is performed. Getting confused is right since this is a different screening for covid infection than regular PCR and antigen testing.
What is the antibody test for covid?
It is essential to know that this test is mainly performed by using the blood sample of humans. It does not involve sampling of saliva from the throat and nasal. It mainly tracks the molecules called antibodies and responds to attacks on a particular virus. In simple terms, this test can tell if a person is overcome from coronavirus infection. This test clarifies that the antibodies in a person's blood have responded to fight the virus. This test works by pricking the tip of the finger with a tiny needle to extract blood. The blood is then sent to the laboratory to ensure whether antibodies are present in the blood.
How useful is the covid antibody testing?
The usefulness of this test cannot be underrated. It can help the professionals to know how many people have recovered from the covid-19. Moreover, it gives a clear estimate to the specialists for the rate of virus spread. It is mainly performed when a person has recovered from the virus infection. For example, if you had this infection but are recovered, you are an ideal candidate for antibodies. Antibodies are mainly proteins that have the potential to kill the virus. Your sample will be extracted by the experts and sent to the lab. The test will confirm whether your body has generated antibodies or not that can fight the virus. This test also has additional benefits since it can tell who can donate the plasma cells that contain antibodies.
How could it track antibodies?
The test can track antibodies of two types such as IgM and IgG. The first one is those that occur before the infection. The second one is those that occur once a person gets infected. However, many people mainly develop IgG antibodies after 14 days when the virus infects one.
To sum up
This is the working and use of antibody testing that you must know. It is available at the urgent care clinic, and you can visit to get the testing. You can also get self-testing by receiving the needle and tube in a sealed envelope. You can prick your fingertip, extract blood in the tube and send it back to the clinic. This will provide you with an accurate report about the formation of antibodies in the blood.