
Hearing loss is an unpleasant and life-changing problem. Unfortunately, it also applies to children. Hearing problems are getting younger every year. Audiologists note hearing loss in teenagers and even kindergarteners! Although some 10-15 years ago, the problem was a hallmark of older people. As with adults, it is important to detect hearing loss in children as early as possible. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance!
Why is it important?
The modern way of life, especially in large cities, negatively affects people. First of all, this is a long-term noise effect. We experience it every day when using public transportation or living in a noisy place (like near an airport). Teenagers exacerbate the situation by listening to loud music with headphones for a long time. Their ears are exposed to noise almost around the clock, which is very harmful! Long-term noise exposure is increasingly causing hearing loss. The risk group includes not only adults associated with noise professions (musicians, builders, etc.), but also young people.
Hearing problems cause great difficulties in everyday life, making it difficult to perform simple tasks. Over time, hearing loss leads to the development of other physiological and psychological problems. For children and teenagers, the situation is even worse. After all, healthy hearing is a necessary factor for successful development. Any hearing care professional will confirm that a child with hearing loss, even in one ear, runs the risk of falling behind healthy peers in development. There may be difficulties in society, not to mention a successful career. It is very important to see the changes in your child in time. The sooner you see the problem, the easier and faster it is to fix it!
How to check your hearing health at home?
Most Americans believe that only a doctor can test their hearing. This is not entirely true. There are effective methods that can show the presence or absence of hearing loss.
The first thing you should do is pay attention to the behavior of the child. If your child often asks again, lags in school, does not always respond to the name, and turns up the volume of devices - you should think about the fact that something is wrong with his hearing. You can take a free online hearing test at any time. This is a simple hearing test. It'll require you to have a device with internet access and headphones. The results may indicate the presence of hearing loss. If you have a suspicion, or an online hearing test showed a positive result, then you should not waste time. It is better to make an appointment with the doctor as soon as possible. Procrastination can make it harder to restore hearing back in the future.
Audiometry - a hearing test at the audiologist's office
Audiometry is the most effective and painless way to learn about hearing loss. The doctor conducts a study, the result of which is an audiogram. It shows the range of frequencies that a person hears. Based on this graph, the audiologist will determine the exact diagnosis and degree of hearing loss. Moreover, the test result can help you choose the right model of hearing aids.