
Since they were first introduced, soft contact lenses have skyrocketed in popularity.
A rough estimate states that Nearly 62% of users in the survey were contact lens wearers who are using contact lenses for the last 2 years, referred to in the study as 'current users.
Custom contact lens are safer, more comfortable, made of higher quality materials, and have shorter replacement cycles, making them the most popular option among physicians and patients. They can easily fit your needs and requirements plus manufactured in a variety of base curves, diameters, materials, and refractive powers.
Contact Lens Materials:
When considering contact lenses, the first decision is which lens material will best meet your needs. There are five types of contact lenses based on the lens material used:
- Soft Lenses: These types of contact lenses are made of hydrogels, which are gel-like, water-containing polymers. These lenses are very thin and flexible, conforming to the front surface of the eye.
- Silicone Hydrogel Lenses: are constructed using a modern soft contact lens material that allows more oxygen to travel through the lens and reach the cornea. Moreover, it is the most often used type of contact lens nowadays.
- Gas Permeable Lenses: Also named GP or RGP lenses made of highly oxygen-permeable materials. People who wear GP lenses say they are more comfortable as soft lenses.
- Hybrid: Hybrid contact lenses combine a Gas Permeable (GP) or "hard" lens) center with a soft skirt. Ideal for patients with corneal astigmatism or presbyopia with astigmatism.
How Long should I Wear Contact Lenses?
Based on the suggested wearing period, contact lenses fall into two categories:
● Contact lenses for daily usage must be taken out every night before bed.
● Contact lenses designed for extended usage can be worn all day (for a limited number of days).
How to Take Care of Contact Lenses?
The type of lens you have will determine how you should care for it. To keep your eyes healthy and make sure your contact lenses stay comfortable, here are some simple contact lens care routines or suggestions to include in your everyday life.
● Do always wash your hands before handling your lenses. It's not about washing hands but also about making sure your hands are dry with a lint-free towel
Note* Lint-free towels are crucial since they make it easier for you to spot impurities and let you know when your towel needs to be washed and dried.
● Never sanitize your hands instead of washing hands. Always use soap and water.
● Do not rinse or store contacts in water (tap or sterile water).
● If you’re going to apply makeup, then put your contact lenses in before.
● Cleanse each contact in the following manner: With the index finger of the other hand, gently smear it on the palm. Surface accumulation is removed by lightly touching your contact.
● As it's essential to allow your cornea to breathe, remember to remove your contact lenses before you go to bed. Otherwise, it can cause eye redness, soreness, and possibly infections.
● You must regularly clean and disinfect your contact lenses unless you have daily disposable lenses.
● It is essential to clean and disinfect your contact lenses with a prescription lens care solution.
When To Change Your Contact Lenses?
Do you know that contact lenses have a shelf life? Hard lenses (RGP and PMMA) can endure up to one year or more compared to disposable lenses, which typically last between one day and one month.
Below are Some Signs which Mean Its Time to Change Your Contact Lenses:
● If you experience that your contact lenses are cloud, then it’s time to say goodbye to this pair.
● Feel something unusual with your contact lenses, then clean them to remove stick dirt and dust. If the same issue occurs, then you should invest in new custom contact lenses.
● Permanent dents or bends on the contact lenses.
● Disposable lenses are to be replaced every two weeks.
4-Point Guidelines For Selecting A Contact Lens:
Finally, made the decision to go from glasses to contacts. There are a few items you should check off your list before making the purchase.
Let’s have a look below!
Get an Eye Exam:
One of the significant steps that you should consider while buying custom contact lenses. To ensure their contact lens prescription is current, eye care specialists advise clients to get frequent eye examinations (usually once a year).
Be Aware that Contacts And Glasses Prescriptions Are Different:
Yes, it's true! You cannot purchase contact lenses with an eyeglasses prescription. Only a separate prescription for contacts is required.
The fundamental reason is that contact lenses lay directly on your eyes, but eyeglass lenses are positioned roughly 12 millimeters away from your eyes.
Stick To The Prescribed Brand:
The FDA advises keeping an eye out for efforts to replace the brand of contact lenses that is listed on your prescription with another brand (perhaps a less expensive kind).
Buy From Reputable Seller:
Do some web research before purchasing contact lenses from an online shop. Check online reviews from past clients and the websites of reputable businesses like the Better Business Bureau to discover if any complaints have been made about the retailer.
Final Thoughts:
Shopping for contacts and purchasing contacts are two completely distinct tasks. So that you may start shopping now that you understand how to purchase contact lenses.
Florida Eyecare Associates is your one-stop shop if you're still unsure of where to get the greatest custom contacts. You may receive an eye checkup here, as well as browse several brands of contacts and buy the one that best suits your needs. Moreover, we also offer eye surgery and other treatment under the care of the best doctors. Don’t delay; speak up with one of our expert doctors today!