
Water heater repair
Depending on when your water heater was originally installed, and any new building codes now required for compliance, your mounting, hoses, airflow system, and drainage pan might need upgrading or replacement, too. A typical tank-type water heater has a lifespan of around 10-15 years, so if yours is within this age range, it might be worth it to fork over the costs of replacing the heater instead of continually fixing problems as they occur with age. You might need just a simple, low-cost repair, like changing anode rods if you get anodized water, or replacing a shutoff valve if it is leaking. When your brand-new gas control valve has gone bad, replacing it is often a more effective, less expensive option than repairing it. If you notice a problem with your water heater, shut it down and contact our certified plumbers today for any plumbing or leakage issues.
Being established in the year 2016, Lifetime Plumbing head office is in Skokie, Illinois. We provide professional plumbing services to people in Northside Chicago, Northshore, and the surrounding suburbs.
We have years of experience in fixing all types of water heaters, and we can quickly diagnose a problem and get you back on your way. Lifetime Plumbing has a group of specialized water heater technicians available for emergency repair.
Water heater replacement
On average, getting a new natural gas water heater installed will set you back $1,500-$2,300. A direct-vent heater may add $500 to $1,000 to your total water heater replacement costs, should one choose to switch from an electric heater to gas.
When it comes time to change out a gas, electric, heat pump, or even tankless water heater, Lifetime Plumbing is here and ready to help you find the right water heater for your homes hot water needs. Our plumbers are equipped to advise the best water heater for your home, they have access to the best brands and models that are available only to professional installers, they handle permitting for you and they install the new water heater properly and safely, the first time. Reliable Heating & Air can be in your home in just hours, and in most cases, will install your new heater on the same day. Lifetime Plumbing has a group of specialized water heater replacement technicians available for emergency repair has found the State Water Heaters are among the highest-performing, highest-efficiency models available, which are capable of meeting the needs of today’s family-friendly homes. We help you choose a water heater that will lower your electric bills and provide an ample supply of hot water for your near area homes.