Working Principle of Flow Control Valve and Its Type
Working Principle of Flow Control Valve and Its Type
Flow control valves are necessary parts of many industries. The best type of flow control valve depends on the application.

Flow control valves are important parts of a hydraulic system. There are different types of flow control valves, and their working principle depends on the use. Their primary work is to control the liquids in the pipes. They are also used to regulate the speed of linear and regular actuators.

Flow control valves are cost-effective and give you accuracy when controlling the flow of fluids. They are reliable and can as well last longer. Flow control valves are used in many applications because they do not clog. The following are the common types of flow control valves and their working principle.

Types of Flow Control Valves and Their Working Principle

Gate Valves

Gate valves are one of the most common flow control valves. They are used for on and off non-compressing services. You can use these valves in applications that need a straight flow of liquids with little restriction.

These flow control valves work when you rotate the stem in a clockwise direction to close or clockwise direction to close. This valve has to rotate several times for it to open or close. You can use the gate valve in different fluids. The uses for these valves are portable liquids, wastewater, and clean water.

Globe Valves

Globe control valves are linear motion valves used to stop, start and regulate the flow of liquids. They have a convex that is put onto a horizontal seat placed in the middle of the valve. When you open the valve, the plug raises to enable the fluids to flow.

These flow control valves are also used in on and off applications because you can completely remove the disk from the flow channel. It can also close the path.

Needle Valves

These are volume control valves that do not allow the flow of liquids in small pipes. Needle valves have the same feature as those glove valves. They both allow the users to change the flow rate using a threaded rotating stem. You can seal these valves using small force also. Needle valves also give a positive shutoff to enable gauges and other measurements to be installed or removed safely.

Pinch Valves

Pinch valves are cheap and used in slurry fluids and those with some amounts of suspended solids. They seal using one or more flexible elements that become pinched to turn off the flow. These valves are cost-effective because a pinch valve's body acts as a built-in actuator.


Flow control valves are necessary parts of many industries. The best type of flow control valve depends on the application. Make sure you understand how each flow control valve works so that you may choose the right one.