
During this, an astrologer looks at the horoscopes of the bride and groom and checks out different compatibilities. It is said that the more Guna or compatible the horoscopes are, the more happily couples live in their marital life.
Let's find out the reasons why kundali matching is a must before marriage-
ToFind Out Compatibility
In kundali matching, the astrologer matches all the 36 gunas of the bride and groom together. When 36 gun as are matched, it is considered the most sacred union where two people will live happily, prosperously, having all the tastes of life. The lesser gunas matched means the couple would face various troubles in their marital life.
Effectson Financial Stability and Career
Kundali is also matched to measure the financial stability and career growth of bride and groom when they are married to each other. The astrologer analyzes how well the planets of both would affect each other. When a person gets married to another, his planet also affects his partner. This information is revealed using Bhakoot, the seventh guna of the horoscope.
Compatibility to Bear Offspring
In marital life, every couple dreams of having offspring, sooner or later. By kundali matching, one gets to know if the bride and groom will be able to conceive or not. For this, Naadi is used, which is the eighth guna in the horoscope. It indicates how easily a couple will bear a child or will face any trouble. It also indicates the happiness and health of the offspring that how well he would grow after birth.
Mental and Physical Compatibility
Kundali matching also reveals both partners' interests, behavior, attitude, and mindset. On the basis of these aspects, the compatibility between the two is measured. Marriage is a lifetime matter, and two people living together have to adjust on many levels. Kundali matching depicts how well they would be able toadjust and compromise in a marriage. The physical attraction is also measured between the bride and groom for further surety.
Overcome Dasha
A Kundali analysis also reveals if a person suffers from any Dasha such as Manglik dasha, Shani dasha, or similar kind of dasha. When a person takes birth in this world, the stars and timing of his birth decide many things. In fact,it is scientifically proven that the positioning of the stars and timing of an individual's birth decide his destiny; it may or may not form dashas in one's life.
Hence with kundali matching, the astrologer gets to know such situations. He then provides a remedy to the native so he won't have to suffer from such dashas after marriage. When a native goes through an extreme dasha that can't be cured or reduced for its effects, the marriage doesn't get advised.
Solving Problems of Mismatched Kundal is
When an astrologer analyzes the kundal is of two individuals, it is not necessary that the kundal is come as compatible every time. A person can have certain doshas or yogas in their horoscope, due to which, their partner has to bear the negative effects if the marriage happens.
For example, when someone is highly Manglik, then there is always a chance of their partner getting died due to some misfortune. Many such doshas and yogas existin astrology; astrologer predicts such yogas in one's horoscope and suggests needed remedies as a cure.
Special Poojas For a Better Life
Justlike there are remedies, there are certain poojas as well. The astrologer ,after reading the horoscope, comes up with the needed poojas. Doing so relieves a person's planets and stars and overcomes the ill effects of the planetary arrangement. This way, two horoscopes that are not compatible with each other may be made compatible, and two people can tie the knot.
Kundali matching is a part of Vedic astrology, and it is an important part of Hindu marriages. Ensure tohire an experienced astrologer before you proceed with the marriage process. Get the Kundali s read by the astrologer so both people can have a happy, healthy, and wealthy marital life.