
First, gloves should be worn to shield your hands from contact with the resin and hardener liquids. Since they are highly unlikely to react when in contact with skin or resin, nitrile gloves are advised. If resin does get on your skin, you can clean it off with baby wipes. Any resin that is still present can be cleaned up with soap and water. Exfoliant is a particularly potent removal method.
Wearing a plastic apron will make it easier to clean up any resin spills. To protect your eyes, safety goggles are also advised. Avoid rubbing the eyes and repeatedly flush them with water for a period of 15 minutes if there has been any contact with them. Receiving medical care should be at the earliest opportunity, sought. Last but not least, whenever working with Epoxy Resin, make sure there is enough ventilation. Open the windows or turn on the ceiling fan in your workspace to achieve this. If you can't get a good level of ventilation, an alternative is to wear a respirator.
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