
Any tool that is powered by hand rather than a motor is referred to as a hand tool. Wrenches, pliers, cutters, files, striking tools, struck or hammered tools, screwdrivers, vises, clamps, snips, hacksaws, drills, and knives are examples of hand tools. Outdoor tools like garden forks, pruning shears, and rakes are examples of hand tool. Portable power tools are not the same as hand tool.
Humans have been using Hand Tools since the Stone Age, when stones were employed for pounding and cutting. Tools were manufactured during the Bronze Age by casting copper and tin alloys. Bronze tools were sharper and tougher than stone tools. Iron supplanted bronze during the Iron Age, and tools became even stronger and more lasting. The During this time, the Romans created tools that are similar to those manufactured today. Since the industrial revolution, tool manufacturing has shifted from being done by hand to being done in a factory.
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