
If you’re someone who has lived under a rock for 100 years and don’t know anything about it, Telefonica interviews. This is the first part of the interview. The employer wants to learn more about you. Your education, Experience, And Salary expectations. A pandemic has made telephone interviews and works at home more popular than ever before. Some Recruitment Company prefers Phone interview, because it takes less time and cost effective With phone interviews becoming more common, we all know how nerve-wracking they can be. There is always the chance of losing our potential during interviews.
There are also two types of phone interviews:
This is where you are notified via LinkedIn or get a call to schedule the interview. (Be near your phone as it can ring at any time) This is less stressful because you have the chance to prepare.
Interviews that are not scheduled
This one is what gives you a shock. You don’t have time to prepare. Don’t worry if it isn’t comfortable speaking at the time. You can ask them to schedule the interview later. Can I reach you by phone? “.
Before you jump into your interview, make sure to review this post-interview, interview, and post-interview tips:
Interview scheduling
To ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the date and time, confirm all details of your telephone interview via email. It will look professional to confirm your time and date via the mail. Ask ‘who’ will be taking your call at what time and with which number. Don’t forget to include an additional contact just in case.
Research thoroughly about the company and interviewer
This is the most critical aspect of an interview that most people overlook. Researching the Recruitment Company not only helps you make a good impression on your interviewer, but it also helps you to understand if they are the right company for you. Knowing the company’s history will allow you to understand what they do. What are their competitors? Who is their target audience? ‘, etc. It is essential to know your company, but knowing more about your interviewer will make it even better. It would be best to make your interviewer feel like you are the right candidate for the job.
Choose a quiet environment.
A phone interview does not require you to be concerned about your appearances and expressions. Wear whatever pajamas you like or any cloth that makes you feel comfortable. The downside to these interviews is that you need to choose a quiet place. Talking in a noisy environment can be distracting. It’s not your fault if your children start screaming or your dog barks at cars. To avoid background noise, let everyone know when your interview will be held. Then, you can choose the quietest place away from the noise and hustle. It is also a good idea to remind your family members before the interview begins not to disturb you. It would help if you were calm before the interview began. Keep a water bottle, pen-paper, and pen handy.
Cheat sheet
You can make a cheat sheet since no one will see you. This cheat sheet contains points you forget or are nervous about during an interview. These points can help increase your chances of getting hired.
Listen to the interviewer.
Listen to the interviewer while you are on the phone. This will help you understand what type of employee they want and possess those qualities. Write down important points that you want to use as you talk with the interviewer. It is a good idea to have someone help you write down potential questions. You can also look at Interview-related Questions from Recruitment company in Qatar, People dynamics to get some ideas on answering them. Listen to the interviewer and try to make connections.
Talk to the interviewer now.
Listen to the interviewer and then make an impression. Although impressing is essential, it’s not enough. The interviewer will only be able to hear your voice. You can take mock interviews if you don’t feel confident speaking. These mock tests can boost your confidence. You can also ask your interviewer, “Will my performance be measured?” Ask the interviewer, ‘will your performance be measured?’ Or ‘can you tell us a bit about the team with which I will work?’ You can refer to your cheat sheet if you feel anxious or unsure. Keep your water bottle close to you so that your throat doesn’t get clogged up while talking. Smile during the interview to impact your voice and your interview.
Cheerful endings are a must.
You should conclude the conversation if you feel this job is right for you. You can use phrases such as “thanks for considering” or call me. I hope to hear from your soon.
Thank you email
You can thank the interviewer for their time and express your interest in the job if you’re too eager. Please don’t send it after the interview ends. Do it after the call ends.
Patience is key
You do not have to wait for a response immediately. Be patient and make sure you check your emails on time to receive a reply.
These points should help you land the job that you want or envision. Work hard but remember to work smart.