
The market for exoskeleton is witnessing significant growth, owing to increasing number of spinal cord injuries. According to researchers at the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center at University of Alabama at Birmingham, as of 2019, 17,730 new spinal cord injury cases occur annually and between 249,000 and 363,000 people are currently living with spinal cord injuries in the U.S.
The exoskeleton suit was originally designed as a support piece for paraplegics, in a bid to help improve their mobility. Today however, it's used much more broadly and is being used to help disabled individuals and the elderly to do everyday activities such as cooking, shopping, taking a bath or going out. As well as helping the disabled physically, this modern breakthrough has also created the facility of freedom for them mentally. A powered exoskeleton is basically an exoskeleton that is controlled via remote control. The user is able to move the limbs by using his/her own body movements.
The use of exoskeletons was born from a need for people who were confined to the wheelchair due to injury. The need for such equipment was felt to be a pressing one as wheelchairs were not widely available in the French market. To rectify this, the device was designed and made to attach to the ground, so that it wouldn't move while the user was walking. The device was attached by means of straps that wrapped around the legs and feet. The idea was to allow the user to enjoy the feeling of walking again, without the fear of the exoskeleton being blown off or falling over. With time, this technology was developed further and several exoskeletons for disabled were produced.
Exoskeleton suites can be used by those who are suffering from muscular deficiencies. The suits contain the same muscle-tissue filling as that of the powered exoskeletons but there was a slight difference. Because the muscles were electronically operated, they could now provide better strength and control when compared to the normal exoskeleton. Also, due to improvements in communications technology, artificial eyes were included in this system.
Finally, exoskeletons suited to those who have difficulty in climbing stairs are also introduced to the market. These specially designed exoskeletons were designed to increase the user's ability to move around. They can also be adjusted according to the user's height. In the end, the amazing exoskeleton for the disabled was finally designed in such a way that each one of these groups could now enjoy exoskeletons regardless of their needs and capabilities.
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