
How to Create an Android and iOS BLE App
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a wireless technology that allows devices to connect with each other over short distances. The technology was developed by Nokia and Ericsson but later standardized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). Today, BLE works on almost all mobile devices and operating systems, including Android and iOS. This article explains how to create an app that uses BLE to communicate with another BLE device on Android and iOS. You’ll use the Android Studio IDE, which you can download from the official site here.
What is Bluetooth LE?
Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE for short, is a short-range radio communications technology that enables devices like phones, tablets, smartwatches, and fitness trackers to connect with low-power sensors called beacons. LE supports old Bluetooth profiles (such as those used by mice, keyboards, or headsets) as well as new ones (like heart rate monitors or other health sensors). And unlike its predecessor Classic Bluetooth (which remains a staple of most IoT devices), it’s completely passive.
Mobile phones are Bluetooth LE capable.
Mobile phones are becoming more powerful every day. It’s common for a mobile phone to have Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) built-in these days. These little devices consume very little power, especially compared with Wi-Fi and 3G connections, so you can use them for years on a single battery charge!
Turn your phone into a beacon.
The easiest way to make a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) app is by using a beacon. Beacons are small, battery-powered devices that broadcast their unique identifier over short distances via Bluetooth technology. Beacon transmitters can be placed in stores, museums, stadiums, or other locations where they’re already located throughout public places or businesses. These signals allow smartphones equipped with your app to identify when they’re nearby a specific location.
Turning on Bluetooth LE Scanning.
Turn on your phone’s Bluetooth LE scanning. You can do so in several ways, but usually, they can be accessed through your notification bar. If you’re using an iPhone, swipe down from above and click on Settings, then select Bluetooth. If you have an Android device, open up your Settings app and select Bluetooth. In both cases, turn on scanning by selecting Scanning On.
Getting Access to Permissions.
One of Android’s most powerful permissions is Bluetooth, which lets you scan for nearby devices. If your app needs to interact with other nearby devices, you must request access to Bluetooth.
Workflow Overview.
This topic will cover how to design, develop, test, deploy and maintain a Bluetooth Low Energy application. These applications are called Peripheral devices in Android. Here is what you need to do: Register your service app with Google on your device. This provides you a link which you use later in development. This can be done by searching for registration in the Google Play store on your device.