
Frequently, life presents itself with options that may not weigh equally. For instance, as a student you may have to choose between watching a film with your gang of friends or completing the project you must submit tomorrow. You can’t compare the film with the project, neither can you convince me that a film with friends is of less merit just because it doesn’t earn me grade/marks. Each one has its own value when it comes to meaning of life. But then that’s life. It’s a series of choices that we make, isn’t it?
It all boils down to what options we have before us at any given moment. The moment we have a choice; we make the best decision based on the merits. Who decides these merits among the two options? We do, weighing how it will change the course of our life at that point in time. Choices change, merits change and so do our decisions.
I know of a friend of my friend who scored good marks in her 10th grade board exams. She loved languages and was a pro in communication, was a fabulous author and poet and could be eloquent with the words, she hesitated to tell her dad that she was not interested in taking the science stream in college which she did. So when it came to choosing a professional course in engineering or medicine which were her two options, she chose pure sciences instead, much to the chagrin of her parents. She never enjoyed her graduation course back then. Later, she enrolled for a law program and aced it. She went on to do her PG in Management and has now completed her masters in psychology too. She loves what she does today, though she is not what her parents wished she would be. However, in the bargain, she lost precious years and a course correction that took too long. Her parents came around when they saw she excelled as a journalist and an author. She enjoys what she does and is a master wordsmith. Happiness took long to come for her because she focused more on aspects that made her parents happy, not her. Today, she looks back at her career trajectory and feels that she made a decision too late. Read more....