
Ostomy is a method wherein a stoma is precisely made on the mid-region. The stoma permit substantial waste to go through into a prosthetic known as a 'pocket' or 'ostomy pack' outwardly of the body. Ostomy drainage bags are utilized in the treatment of urinary or stomach related framework problems. As indicated by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), ostomy is extensively separated into three sorts: ileostomy, colostomy, and urostomy. The foundation of the ileum or small digestive system is connected to the opening or stoma in ileostomy and circumvents the butt, colon, and rectum. The colon is connected with the stoma in colostomy and sidesteps the butt and rectum. The pee conveying pipes are connected to the stoma in urostomy, which supports bypassing the bladder.
Ostomy techniques might prompt different distresses in patients, which is relied upon to obstruct development of the worldwide ostomy drainage bags market. For example, as per National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), around 20 to 70% of ostomates experience stoma-related complexities once after the medical procedure. NCBI further expresses that peristomal skin entanglements happen in 25–43% of patients with ileostomies and 7–20% of those with colostomies.
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