
Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety-eyewear is designed to protect the wearer's eyes from hard blows or other injuries. They are glasses with heat-treated lenses or glasses with plastic lenses to prevent glass breaks, which can result in slivers of glass entering the eyes when broken. The use of safety glass in the manufacture of safety glasses is required in the United States.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established guidelines for the use of safety glasses and the work conditions and activities that necessitate them. Prescription glasses, tinted or polarised glasses, and glasses with built-in or attachable side shields are all examples of safety Eyewear. These various varieties may have different OSHA safety ratings and should be made and selected in accordance with OSHA's design specifications for safety. When working in conditions outlined by OSHA that require protective E wear, employers should provide appropriate eye protection.
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