
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is also known as 'test-tube baby in simple terms. This is a procedure where the eggs from a woman are taken and fertilized outside the body in a special laboratory with the male's sperm, then replacing the resultant embryos into the female uterus.
IVF treatment is considered a boon for couples facing infertility or genetic disorders, helping them achieve pregnancy. IVF is a solution for either male or female fertility. Moreover, scientists are coming up with more advancements to enable older women to give birth to their own biological child.
When IVF is Offered
IVF treatment may be an option when there is:
Damaged or Block Fallopian Tube: Damaged fallopian tube makes it difficult for an egg to get fertilized or for an embryo to travel to the uterus.
Ovulation Disorders: Fewer eggs are available for fertilization when an ovulation disorder occurs.
Endometriosis: It occurs when tissues similar to the lining of the uterus implant and grow outside the uterus affecting the function of the ovaries.
Uterine fibroids: These are a kind of tumor in the uterus and are commonly found in women in their late 30s. Fibroids interfere with the implantation of the fertilized egg.
Tubal Sterilization: This is the procedure when the fallopian tubes are cut to prevent frequency. When someone wishes to conceive after this surgery, IVF can be a good alternative.
Impaired Sperm: Low sperm concentration, weak movement of sperm. Or abnormalities in sperm size and shape make it difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg.
Unexplained Infertility: Sometimes, doctors fail to find the cause of infertility. At this time, IVF can solve the problem and helps the couple to bear a child.
Fertility Preservation: If you are going for a severe treatment like cancer or chemotherapy, it could harm your fertility. IVF is a good option at this time, as women can have eggs harvested from the ovaries and frozen in an unfertilized state for later use. Similarly, male eggs can be frozen as embryos for future use.
Steps involved Under In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Usually, the following steps are included during IVF treatment.
Step 1: Ovarian Stimulation
The patient is given fertility medications to help stimulate the ovaries and produce mature eggs. Doctors prescribe certain hormones to stimulate the ovaries.
Step 2: Patient Monitoring
Doctors perform a series of ultrasounds to examine the ovaries. Simultaneously, blood samples are taken to check hormone levels.
Step 3: Maturing Eggs
Hormone injection is given two days in advance of egg collection to trigger eggs and to ensure to get them matured.
Step 4: Egg Retrieval
Minor surgery is performed to retrieve the eggs. It involves drawing the eggs from the follicles with the help of ultrasound imaging and a special needle.
Step 5: Sperm Collection
Sperm from the male partner or donor is collected and prepared.
Step 6: Egg Fertilization
Also known as insemination, here, the sperm and extracted eggs are combined for fertilization. Later, the eggs are carefully taken into observation to ensure that fertilization and cell division occur properly until they become embryos.
Step 7: Embryo Transfer
Three to five days after fertilization, one or two embryos are ready to be transferred to the uterus for implantation.
Step 8: Pregnancy Test
Usually, after two weeks of embryo transfer, a blood test is done to determine the pregnancy.
IVF is not the first step in infertility treatment. Instead, it should be considered only when other methods, such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination, have failed.
Side-Effects of IVF
Most of the cases have reported a minimal discomfort with IVF, except for mild cramping. However, you can expect the following side effects:
Passing a small amount of fluid
Mild bloating
Mild cramping
Breast tenderness
There are specific side effects from fertility medication, including:
Mood swings
Hot flashes
Abdominal bloating
Abdominal pain
If you are facing more discomfort after IVF treatment, you should visit your doctor immediately.
Cost of IVF
The cost of IVF treatment is high and is carried out by a team of specialized doctors. However, compared to international IVF hospitals, IVF costs are much less in India. Usually, the treatment cost ranges between Rs. 1,25,000 to 1,50,000, but mostly depends on patient's medical condition. The price varies depending on your location, the number of medications prescribed, the number of IVF cycles you have to undergo, etc.
It is critical to note that most health insurance doesn't cover IVF treatment. You need to thoroughly investigate your coverage of IVF and ask the health provider how they can support you when you are undergoing an IVF treatment.
However, some health insurance companies offer certain benefits for IVF treatment. These include coverage for ultrasounds, infertility drugs, cost of monitoring, lab charges, etc. But, it usually does not covers the overall cost of IVF or any other artificial reproductive technology.
Medical Loan for IVF
You can consider a medical loan for IVF when you require an IVF treatment. GMoney offers advances against your medical policies to help you pay for your medical treatment, including IVF. You can avail yourself of funds from GMoney and pay back in easy, no-cost EMIs.
GMoney urgent loan doesn’t restrict payment for a type of medical treatment. You can apply for any treatment and at any hospital, even when the said hospital is not a member of your health cover provider. The loan against your mediclaim is treated as an advance, which can be paid in EMI as per your monthly budget. However, the loan amount depends on your total health cover and your credit score.
GMoney has also recently introduced smart health cards. These cards allow you to pay for your medical bills at various hospitals across India. With the help of these digital cards, you can pay your medical bills at the hospitals which don't offer a cashless facility or for your out-of-pocket expenses. Later, you can repay your loan amount with no-cost EMI and at your convenience.