
Different medications have different effects. Some are subtle and others can be quite dramatic. All of them can transform your life in positive ways if you make it a habit.
Golden Future, Career Counselling in Lucknow mentions the list of 9 major meditation types, along with brief descriptions of each to help you decide if it is right for you.
1. Mindfulness/Vipassana
Mindfulness refers to the deliberate, accepting, and non-judgmental focusing of attention on emotions, thoughts, and sensations that are occurring at the moment
Vipassana meditation is the Buddhist tradition that teaches mindfulness. This means you can see the true nature and purpose of reality.
2. Zen/Zazen
Zen meditation, also known as zazen meditation, is a form of meditation that focuses the mind on a single thing. Zazen means to just sit and let thoughts, words, and images pass you by, without judging.
3. Metta/Loving kindness
Metta, another Pali word, literally means “loving-kindness” in Pali. It is aimed at cultivating a sense of kindness towards all living things, beginning with oneself and spreading the circle of compassion outside.
4. Heartfulness
Heartfulness is based upon the ancient Yogic science of Raja Yoga, Yoga of the Mind.
Regular practice of Heartfulness helps us to strengthen our connection between the Heart & the Mind. We can then maximize the efficiency and feel the wonders, beauty, and joy of the Heart.
5. Mantra Meditation
Mantra meditation is a form of meditation that involves repeating a sound or phrase. It originated in India’s Vedic tradition. It originated in Norway. Mantra meditation is a way to let your thoughts drift, rather than trying to control or suppress them.
6. Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation aims to “transcend” thought, and achieve a state that is deep in the brainwave.
7. Christian Meditation
Christian meditation is a type of prayer that focuses on the intentional attempt to reflect upon and become aware of God’s revelations. This may be the best option for Christians who want to incorporate meditation into their lives.
8. Yoga
Did you know that you can meditate while moving? Yoga, an ancient form of meditation and exercise that originated in India, has many scientifically supported benefits. Yoga has seen a revival in the West recently, although it is not a new phenomenon. However, it is a well-known spiritual practice that dates back thousands of years.
9. Qigong/Tai Chi
Qigong refers to a holistic system that coordinates body movement, posture, breathing, meditation, and movement. It is used for spirituality, health, and martial arts training. Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art, is one type of Qigong. It’s practiced for its health benefits and defense training.
Connect with us for any query or information; Golden Future, Career Counselling in Lucknow.