
Diabetic neuropathy may be a sort of nerve damage which will occur if you've diabetes. High blood glucose can injure nerves throughout the body. Diabetic neuropathy most damages nerves in your legs and feet.
If you've diabetes and see numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in your hands or feet, you ought to see your doctor. These are early symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. The danger is typically once you can’t feel pain and an ulcer develops on your’s common for symptoms of Diabetic neuropathy to seem gradually. In many cases, the primary sort of nerve damage to occur involves the nerves of the feet. This can cause the symptom of sometimes painful “pins and needles” in your feet.
Neuropathy happens when high levels of fats or sugar with the blood damage the nerves within the body. It can affect virtually any nerve with the body, with a good range of symptoms.
Nerves are essential to how the body works. They enable people to maneuver , send messages about how things feel, and control automatic functions, like breathing.
There are several types. Some involve the peripheral nerves, while others damage the nerves that provide the interior organs, like the guts , the bladder, and therefore the gut.can affect many body functions.
Between one-tDiabetic neuropathyhird and a half people with diabetes have neuropathy, consistent with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK).
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