Blue Contacts vs. Green Colored Contact Lenses – What’s The Difference?
Blue Contacts vs. Green Colored Contact Lenses – What’s The Difference?
Want to stand out from the crowd? Check out ELKLENS Green Contacts! These unique contacts are perfect for adding a touch of personality to your look. They are fun, protective of your eyesight and overall vision, and also give you a stylish look. Try now at ELKLENS!

People often wonder whether they should wear blue colored contact lenses or go for Green Contacts. Is it really worth spending extra money on special colors? Let’s find out!

What’s The Hype About Blue Lenses?

Well, there are two main types of contacts in the market today. One type is plastic lenses and the other is hydrogel lenses. Blue Contacts are made from plastic. Plastic or also known as polyamide or a polymer is used for correcting vision defects like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, etc. They are typically worn on the eye for about 8 hours and take no longer than 2 weeks to adapt to your eyes.

Blue Contacts improve your eyesight under poor lighting and prevent you from experiencing dry eyes or blurred vision. Those with vision and eyesight problems must go for blue lenses. Blue-colored contact lenses are designed to enhance vision in low light conditions. These lenses come with various levels of tint and color. The lenses offer protection against UV rays and help reduce eye strain.

Green Colored Lenses – What’s This?

On the other hand, Green Colored Contact Lenses are made out of silicone. They are used for rectifying any type of visual defect. Unlike blue-colored ones, you don’t need to remove the green lenses before sleeping, eating, swimming, showering, or working around water. You can keep them wearing for better, sharper, and clear eyesight all day long.

Green Contacts are now very much popular because they look great and are affordable. They come in various shades from light to dark. These lenses are also less expensive than other types such as blue or brown. People who wear these lenses often say that they look cool and fashionable. In addition, some studies show that wearing these lenses can improve your vision and increase your eyesight.

Discussing The Differences 

Both types of contact lenses are safe to wear for extended periods and both provide good quality vision correction. However, Green Colored Contact Lenses tend to last much longer than blue ones due to their durability and longevity.

Blue Contacts are more popular because of their suitability for people who have problems with night vision or if they work outdoors often. On the other hand, green lenses are ideal for those who spend a lot of time indoors.

To decide whether to use blue or Green Contacts, first figure out what kind of vision problem you have and then look into the pros and cons of each lens type.