
Call the doctor immediately if you have:
1.Signs of heart problems- feeling short of breath, chest pain, light-headedness
2.Signs of circulation problems- unexplained bruises on your fingers or toes
3.Symptoms of psychosis- aggression, paranoia, hearing or seeing things that are not real, new behavior problems
You may not be unable to take it if you are allergic to any stimulant medicine or if you have:
● Overactive thyroid;
● Glaucoma;
● High blood pressure;
● Severe agitation or anxiety (use of stimulant medicines can worsen these symptoms);
● Hardening of the arteries or vascular disease;
● Coronary artery disease or heart disease; or
● A history of alcohol or drug addiction
● High blood pressure;
● Congenital heart defect or heart problems; or
● A family record of heart disease or sudden death